trading manual (written
only in French...actual book title is Manuel de Négociation)
has not been available
since 2005
and it never cost $497 as
intentionally stated by a few
nor were there any comments in the manual about
any user's ability to duplicate my profit level
also as intentionally stated by a few
fact, the only comments in the trading manual
about my own profit level involved a warning
with reasons about why the user will
be able to achieve my profit level because the
manual was customized for that
particular reader only and the reader traded a
different trading instrument in comparison to
what I traded. Just as important, it was a
reader that I personally know and had traded
with in an arcade office when I was creating the
trading manual.
promises, no guarantees were given verbally nor
written in any communication with the reader nor
in the trading manual. Therefore, any dreams you
may have via someone using the trading manual
that was specifically designed only for that
trader for market conditions specific to those
years...that's your error/fault due to
the fact you listened to hearsay from
trolls instead of getting your information from
this webpage.
the way, I believe strongly that teaching
how to trade via a book, online course,
webinar, podcast, forum message posts or
someone's trade journals will not make you a successful
trader. This belief for me, it grows strongly
every year as markets become more globally
connected and impacted by those global
connections. The best you can do is gather info
and then try to incorporate it into your trading
style on your own unless its bundled with long
term consistent in person coaching / mentoring.
Those that believes its possible to teach
how to trade successfully via online
communication only
are lazy traders that will not be successful in
trading. Reality, you can only teach a trade
strategy (e.g. via a book, online course, forum
message posts) whereas learning how to trade
can only be successful via in
coaching / mentoring for many months in live
trading with real money on the line without any
guarantees it will continue to be successful
after the mentor has gone.
TheStrategyLab strong beliefs about the above
will now give you an understanding about the
foundation of the trading manual...a hard
print book
of only 7 copies...two copies sold,
three copies given away for free and I have the
two remaining copies on a book shelf in my
home...gathering dust. The trading manual
revealed the strategies that I used to trade in
current market conditions of 2005...not suitable for
application in today's market conditions.
importantly, do not be misled by the few trolls
out there that refer to either the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
as the trading manual or that the Volatility Trading Report
is the trading manual or that any other
service (free or fee-base) is the trading
manual. In fact, the only commonality with
today's education content to the trading manual
is the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
Simply, most of the
education content from the trading manual has
been shared with anyone except for the few
individuals I sold it too between 2004 - 2005
and there was never an English version
available. The trading manual book title was Manuel de
the trading manual is has not been sold
since 2005, and there were never any updates beyond
2005 to make it suitable for today's market
conditions involving five specific markets that
it was designed for application...Hang Seng HSI
futures, Eurex DAX futures, Treasury ZB futures,
Emini ER2 futures and Euronext CAC40 futures. In
contrast, some of these trolls are stating that
I said that the trading manual is applicable for
all markets.
Our price action analysis (WRB Analysis) and
trade signal strategies application are
specifically discussed @
As you can see, there's no mentioning of a
"trade manual" and our trade signal strategies
are only suitable for the listed markets at the
above link. In addition, the price action
analysis called WRB Analysis is applicable to
markets that have WRB intervals and WRB Hidden
GAP intervals. Thus, not all markets have WRB
Hidden GAP intervals. Further, although the
trading manual is not discussed at the trading
instruments webpage...the trading manual was
suitable nor applicable for trading
stocks. Regardless, the trading manual was only
applicable to the above specific
futures markets.
I will now give more details about the trading
manual because some trolls that have never seen
the trading manual...these trolls are lying just to
confuse you into thinking the trading manual was
sold to them. In fact, none of these trolls are
able to produce a copy of the trading manual
after they publicly lied and stated they
purchased the "trading manual" as answered
TheStrategyLab Review webpage".
In fact, to give you a peak into the minds of
these particular troll stated I
avoided showing him my broker statements
when in fact they are posted at the website
along with the fact that this particular troll
was a user of the screen sharing...we
all shared screens of our trading that allowed
each other to see each user executing trades in
their broker platform and then posting those
exact same trades in the free chat room. This
particular troll is now banned from the free
chat room, banned from the forum and banned from
the website prior to his false statements due to
another incident. Simply, he's just retaliating
for the bans.
if someone ask to see my broker statements...I'm
going to send them a link to this webpage that
contains an image like the above
and I'm going to say there's are many many more
like the above image of many many different
trading days for many years along with an
archive forum that currently stores clients
broker statements and clients real time
back to the trading manual. The manual was only
sold in person by me after the client
watched me trade in person in front of his/her
two eyes for a duration of 10 - 20 trading days
from my trading account via real money (no
simulation trading)...1/4 of the meetings took
place at my home in France and the remainder
meetings took place in Germany/Portugal at their
homes on their computers.
I'm bi-lingual (French, English) in discussing
the financial markets to others although I'm
speak a 3rd language that I do not use to
discuss the financial markets...its my native
language. In addition, the old website page for
the manual was in English...while the manual was
actually sold only in France although the client(s)
were French while residing Germany or Portugal.
Thus, the trading manual was only printed in
French because the clients were fluent in French
and the "trading manual" was edited/printed by a
French publishing firm.
were never
any copies sold or given away for free to anyone
from North America (United States or
Canada)...there was never an English version of
the trading manual although the old webpage that
marketed the trading manual was in English. The
goal was to create versions in Portuguese,
German, English, Italian to compliment the
French version. Unfortunately, it was too large
of a project for me because there was problems
with the family photography business that had
most of my attention & energy...making me
realize the limits of myself to manage trading
& photography business. Simply, I couldn't
do both and trying to produce versions in
multiple languages was a project that would have
ended in disaster in 2005.
was just too big of a project although
TheStrategyLab website is in English. If you're
curious, the cost of the trading manual was $973
(black & white) & $1021 (color).
The only language of
the trading manual were
sold in French
that contained 30 topics (chapters) involving
trade signal strategies, WRB Analysis Tutorial
Chapter 1 - 3, key market events for that
specific trading instrument, risk management
for that client, position size management for
that client plus a photo of me as a teenager
with one of my favorite photographers on the
first page (signed with my signature)...customized trading manual for
each client that was different than the
customized trading manual of another client.
two of the topics...the WRB Analysis study guide
is free
and the Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade
signal strategy are free although both are now
being sold for a fee by a few scam reseller
websites secretly associated with a review
website...all managed by the same individual.
These scam websites are reselling our free
content between $20 - $50...via the following
Trading Manual
MA Perry Price Action
TheStrategyLab Price
Action Trading (no indicators)
purchase anything from those scam websites if
you see the above titles can download
the WRB Analysis free study guide and Fading
Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy
via TheStrategyLab @
some of these websites are now talking negative
about TheStrategyLab after we exposed them
between 2008 - 2012 when we discover a few
of them selling our content without our
permission...violating our copyright
protection policy
along with creating lies about TheStrategyLab
via their secretly affiliated review websites.
again, don't believe the can find
out information about me at the below link.
More info about me
(M.A. Perry) @
Copyright Protection
Policy @
if you meet someone that states they purchase
the trading manual...ask them what was the
hand written message
I wrote to them in French on the first page in
the trading manual. This message includes a
quote by one of my favorite French
photographers including an old image
of me standing side by side with him when I
was a teenager. If they have this...its proof
that they have one of the only available five
copies of the trading manual.
manual was not a digital download
although I once posted an image excerpt (not the
image below) from the manual back in 2004 and
told a few in 2002 that I had plans to make the
manual available in English...plans that were
later abandon.
the way, I use to do screen
with members of the free chat room as shown in
the captured image on the left during screen
sharing that I made for marketing
purposes. I started doing such a few years after
the trading manual was closed and I was no
longer trading in front of traders own two eyes
in their homes or my own home...I did the screen
sharing for many years until 2015 (only
for those I trusted). I did such not as a signal calling
service, not for a mentoring
service and not to be helpful to other
traders and there was no education provided
during the screen sharing.
screen sharing was just for
verification only just in case I decided
to use the captured images from the screen
sharing at a later date. I've made similar
images of many different trading
the main difference between the trading manual
and the current digital education content at
TheStrategyLab is the manual trade strategies
are different than the current digital education
content because the manual did not include the advance
WRB Analysis education content. Also, there were
other variables critical to my trading results
that were not discussed in the
trading manual such as trader psychology, risk
management, position size management and the
importance of trade journals...these particular
topics are available for free via discussions
with me only in the free chat room. Other
differences is that the manual included market
tendencies involving specific trading
instruments and the current digital education
content does not include the market
the manual was "customized" for each
trader. Simply, a manual for one client would
be suitable for another client trading a
different asset.
an example so that you can better understand. If
a client states he/she trades Treasury ZB
futures via the 15min chart...the manual was customized
via only having chart examples of Treasury ZB
futures via the 15min chart via real money trade
examples in the same broker platform used by the
trader. Therefore, its obviously that the same
manual would not be suitable for
another client that trades the Euronext CAC40
futures via the 3min would just be
too confusing
to the trader using a customized manual that was
designed for another trader that traded a
different trading instrument (different asset)
especially due to the fact that some of the rule
base definitions were "different" for one
trading instrument in comparison to another
trading instrument.
the customization of the trading manual was for
security limit/minimize
any copyright
violation. Therefore, I quickly realize
the manual was too big of a project for me due
to the customization and it was
misinterpreted as mentoring via
the video recordings of live trades by traders
using WRB Analysis after I discover those that I
sold the manual too had shared the live
recordings with others that were seeking to be
I do
offer a mentor service and those asking about
the manual by email...they gave me the
impression they were really looking for
mentoring. Regardless, I
soon abandon the trade manual within a few years
after starting it in 2002
although there was a growing request for the trade
again, I only sold 5 copies of the trading
manual and they only sold in
France...the location where I marketed
the manual while on vacations or visiting
relatives...sold only to traders I met in
person and traded with side by side. They were customized
for traders in the Hang Seng HSI futures, Eurex
DAX futures, Treasury ZB futures, Emini ER2
futures and Euronext CAC40 futures. Each of
these traders that order the took me
about two months to create each customized copy
of the trading manual for that trader including
creating the chart examples & broker trade
platform via the same chart vendor and broker
that was used by the trader...after trading side by side
with the trader.
Three of the
five traders are still trading today as of
after developing their own trade methods with
key concepts from the trading
The two traders that stopped
took a job offer at a financial institution in
France an the other quit trading after a
series of serious health problems that
included losing his legs to diabetes. He now
lives in Germany and is retired.
As a reminder, do not believe the tall tales of
the trolls...the trading manual was only in French
including the audio content on the
DVDs. Further, the manual gave recommendations
with contact info of verified traders
that had mastered WRB Analysis free study guide
that included videos of those traders placing
live trades in their trading
real-money trading from their own trading the same trading instrument
as those the manual was sold too.
Today, TheStrategyLab no longer gives
recommendations about services by other traders
that use WRB Analysis and we may one day start
our own mentorship (coaching) program in which
we will hire traders that have mastered WRB
Analysis to mentor other clients (new users) in
their own countries that want to learn/apply WRB
Regardless, its possible that some traders today
refer to the current digital education content
as the "trading manual" in
because they're unfamiliar with the website or
they're listening to someone that's a troll that
intentionally wants to confuse readers about
TheStrategyLab education content.
you know the brief history of the words "trading
manual" and some traders today are continuing to
post misinformation in calling either the
Volatility Trading Report (VTR) the manual, WRB
Analysis free study guide the manual or the
Advance WRB Analysis Chapters 4 - 12 the manual.
Therefore, we've listed below our education
content and as you can see there's no reference
to the words "trading manual" in any of the
below education content that's English (not
French like the trading manual).
Analysis free study guide (English only) @
WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 are
$15.33 and $237 (English only) @
Volatility Trading
Report (VTR) is $473 (English only)
Best Regards,
M.A. Perry (a.k.a. wrbtrader)
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range
body analysis or wide range bar analysis)
Youtube @
Flickr @
Pinterest @
Imgur @
TheStrategyLab @
Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm
est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002