are five main trolls posting
negative commentary / false narratives about TheStrategyLab
as they ignore our verification of trade performance and
ignore the fact that many members of TheStrategyLab has
posted verification of their trade performance.
of these trolls have now been banned from my education
resources prior
to them retaliating with negative commentary at a few forums
and a review blog.
Also, a few of these trolls are most likely via one
individual that masks his / her identity online via multiple
identities (aliases). Yet, to be clear, there are
not that many
trolls of TheStrategyLab...there are only a
few known trolls
very good at using multiple identities, VPNs, rented IP addresses,
voice-changing apps and secret affiliations.
Regardless, there's always a
similar or familiar digital fingerprint
involving their deceptive online behavior.
be precise, most of the trolling / bans occur either via the
trolls complaining about TheStrategyLab free
chat room that it
is not
a signal calling trade alert room because I refuse to allow
them to use my resources to be told what to trade, when to
buy and when to sell. Others trolls disliked my
qualification rules to use my resources verify they have
learned/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
same verification rules for the Advance WRB Analysis
Tutorial Chapter 4 that must be purchased before purchasing
the Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 package or the
Volatility Trading Report (VTR). Other trolls just didn't
like any of the following and then make the decision to
troll TheStrategyLab.
changed my public chat room (password not required) to a
private chat room (password required).
Verification the trader is using WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
via posting DOKs to verify their understanding of
WRB Analysis and posting redacted screenshot of timestamp
trade fills in front end / broker trade execution platform
to verify their application of WRB Analysis in their
private thread.
became more outspoken with verification about why a
trader can not successfully piggyback / copy
/ mimic / replicate trades posted in a signal
calling trade alert room...I did this without
identifying nor bashing a specific signal calling
trade alert room.
became more outspoken about real world issues due to the
fact that I live abroad in other countries as a multiple
citizen of different countries and openly share my opinions
& experiences at other forums that had designated
non-trading discussions.
enforced my terms of use policy.
In fact, I lost 60% of my members overnight
the same day the terms of use policy was
enforced without any exceptions
after I discover most were trying to use my
free chat room as a signal calling trade
alert room, relaying my trades from the free
chat room to others outside of
TheStrategyLab for a fee or
re-posting my redacted screenshots of
timestamp trade fills in broker trade
execution platform as their own screenshots.
do not believe a trader can be mentored or coached
(a.k.a. telling a trader what to trade, when to buy and
when to sell) into a successful trader via online. More
importantly, TheStrategyLab does not offer any
mentoring/coaching services, and never has offered such
Also, if
TheStrategyLab decides to offer a Mentoring / Coaching will be performed in person (side
by side) and in a real money trading account for a
minimum of many months.
In addition, if
someone is identified as a person that should not be
trading...I will be upfront with that trader via telling him /
her that trading is not something they should be involved
within especially those the refuse to do the work, have
excuses about why they can not do the work or display
their inability to follow payment instructions that they
must verify they've learned/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
traders that refuse to post the require verification
information...their access to TheStrategyLab is denied
or deactivated (their login credentials no longer
works). This has been our policy since 2014.
identified members that are using WRB Analysis incorrectly
via trying to use it as a trade signal strategy and / or
that's missing the education content of tutorial chapter 2
from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide from their
effort to misled other traders about WRB Analysis. WRB
Analysis is not a trade signal's a price
action analysis that works with your trade signal strategy.
It's simple, a trader must prove to me
that they're qualified to use my education resources similar to
the way other members have posted verification documentation and
similar to the way I've done in my own trade performance.
Therefore, I'm not the type of vendor that spams his/her
services on the internet nor do I need to engage in marketing
tactics at forums I'm a member because I have maintained a public
trade journal with verification of trade performance for many
years and continue to do so today but now only as a private
trade journal.
Also, my source of income is that I trade for a living and I'm
the owner of a successful photography business in another
country. Simply, TheStrategyLab website is a small percentage of
my income.
Further, I use online the
same as anyone else that enjoys talking about anything not
related to trading...resulting in it being part of my edge in
trading because I know successful trading is more than about
trade signal strategies.
Among the trolls
I dislike greatly are the ones that are selling their own
product or a shill for another vendor...secretly
while using my resources and those minions of review websites
/ blogs that think I'm a threat to their
favorite reviewer or a threat to their views of life.
Yet, don't misunderstand, the trolls have also had a
positive impact on TheStrategyLab via that I've improved my
vetting process
prior to allowing someone to enter my free chat room,
improved my vetting process prior to allowing access to the
fee-base services, improved my vetting process for members
that forgot their users names / re-entry into the fee-base
services after being banned to prevent impersonations or use my free services to help
ensure they don't have criminal convictions and/or ongoing
criminal activities.
vetting process has helped tremendously in reducing the
number of trolls (some clients), increasing the number of
quality members
but it will help a little to ensure that clients or
free users are doing the required work (DOKs, screenshots of trade fills
in broker trade execution platform, professional trade
journal software) prior
/ after access to WRB Analysis resources.
I've mentioned above the growing list of quality members.
These are traders that are working hard to improve their
trading results and document / verify their trading via WRB
Analysis. Members understand now the importance of showing
redacted screenshots to verify their own trade performance
so that TheStrategyLab can see exactly how they're using WRB
Analysis so that TheStrategyLab can provide proper support.
it'll ensure that clients understand their investment in
time and effort has a responsibility on their part because I
do not spoon feed nor do I want to spend my time policing my
resources. Simply, my education resources are self-service
as in there's no signal calling trade alert service
and no mentoring (coaching). This is what I hope the
vetting process will achieve.
on image to review trading results)
TheStrategyLab wrbtrader Primary Monitor @
Chat Log @
The free chat room is ground zero for the trolling
and its very common to see those complaining about
TheStrategyLab resources are actually zoning in on the free
chat room. To be more specific, traders are very angry that
I do not allow mimic / copy / piggyback /
replicating trades posted by another member (including my
own posted trades) and will ban anyone using the
free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room.
Yet, the common theme by the trolls is that they do not
understand why I use IRC for my free chat room. It's very
simple. I'm able to use scripts & coding to automate
management of the free chat room especially when I myself am
not in the free chat room due to vacation, sickness or
days off from the markets. For example, click on the above
redacted screenshot of my broker trade execution platform
with the free chat room on my primary monitor.
you see the green dots next to some of the usernames in the
above/left redacted screenshot ? Only I can see that info
and the green dots via a IRC script that I designed...this
particular script tells me which members in the free chat
room are also in the live screen share meeting. Further, its
managed via the On/Off so that I can activate it
whenever I want so that its viewable in any redacted
I have what I call ghost members or
secret members that post their real time trades but
only I can see the trades when other members in the free
chat room are not able to see the members nor see
their posted real-time trades.
Today, my redacted screenshots no longer
reveals green dots nor other identity info via IRC script
codes about my members to prevent trolls from using the info
to cause problems for my members. Simply, I turn off the IRC
script info prior
to making redacted screenshots of my trade performance.
An admin file is then automatically uploaded to my
private thread
just before midnight on a daily basis. This file contains
info about users of the free chat room involving their IP
address, changes in their IP address in comparison to their
log-ins and in comparison to the forum login, alerts about
different user names with similar like IP addresses, IP
address in the chat room that clicked on any specific
redacted screenshot I posted at the forum, private messages
sent to me by any member with complaints about another
member and many other info I use to manage the free chat
room that I will not reveal about users of the free chat
In addition, I use an IRC script to color
code my trades on my screen
whereas trades posted by other members in the free chat
room...their trades are black text only on my screen...less
distraction for me and it helps to easily identify which
members are posting trades in the free chat room.
Just the same, their trades on their screen are color coded
whereas trades by others (including mine) are black text
only. I designed the script this way to make it more
difficult for someone trying to use the free chat room as a
signal calling trade alert room while at the same time
putting more emphasis on your own posted trades in the free
chat room. In the past, everyone's trades were color
coded and it was tough to view the free chat room for me to
determine whom was posting trades and whom were just lurking
(not posting trades).
point is that there's no other real time collaboration
software nor chat room software that can automate that type
of management of my free chat room in comparison to the IRC
scripts & codes that I also use to help me identify the
digital fingerprints of users of my free chat room to
help minimize the trolling which is why I continue using
mIRC software to manage my free chat room. You can learn
more about the Internet Chat Relay (IRC) @
Trolls - You must remember that a banned
troll that had violated our terms of use policy can easily
use a VPN or rented
IP address to access TheStrategyLab again after
they've been banned but they can not mask
(hide) their unprofessional troll like behavior in
their written words as a troll...their words /
phrases are their digital fingerprint that
tells me who they really are along with revealing info
about their agendas. This is why I require users of
our resources to interact with TheStrategyLab.
Simply, if you're using our resources and you then
refuse to interact with will no longer be
allowed access to our resources because helping
someone to improve their trade performance is a two
way street...not one way. There must be interaction
and trust.
The First Troll
problematic troll
because he's a master of fake online identities, attempts
to market automated trading systems & custom
indicators to members of the free chat room, has publicly
made threats to cause my family and me physical harm,
publicly made threats to give TheStrategyLab bad press in
retaliation after I've banned his multiple identities from
access to the free chat room.
begins with this problematic troll making compliments
about my trading prior to his threats of violence
and angry outbursts because I've denied his request to one
of my education resources or I show no interest in
his automated trading system & custom indicators. Yet,
after all of his angry outbursts...he sneaks back into my
free chat room via a new secret identity just to start
crap again with members or
myself as if he has a psychotic obsession with my free
chat room.
a vendor
and he
hangs out
the review blog @ that gave me a negative review including him posting in all
the reviews of other vendors to imply he's tried every
service regardless if the review was positive or
negative. He
markets his Emini ES trading
system on
but then goes to that review blog to post consistent
negative commentary about other vendors (his competition)
along with lying he used their services via a façade of
different user names as he traversed one vendor service to
another vendor.
Yet, he has strong similarities (digital fingerprints) to the
owner of the review blog named Emmett Moore Jr. via using
the phrases and strange prison erotica statements.
In fact, he has bragged about having an inner circle of
individuals with criminal / prison backgrounds although I'm
a little perplex why these individuals has made signal
calling trade alert services, free chat rooms, book authors,
prop firms, automated trading systems and such their
Now I will go into more specific detail about this troll. I
caught him in my chat room multiple times via different user
names trying to market his automated trading systems &
custom indicators along with trying to partner with my
website...all of the user names are now banned. He has sent me threatening
emails, impersonating other members, purchases trade
strategies from other vendors, brags he can hack any trading
account and then steal the funds from the accounts any time
he wants, consistently uses profanity lace replies when he's
caught and brags he's a top quant that can reverse engineer any
trades shown in brokerage statements or
real-time trades, brags he's friends with those tied with
organized crime or something like that.
of his fake IP addresses are out of California, Florida, Texas, Thailand,
Philippines and I suspect he's working with several other
trolls that seems to specifically know a lot about Thailand
and Philippines.
To simplify, there's a
connection between his / her anonymous identify between Asia /
Asia Pacific to either California, Florida or
Texas via VPNs and rented IP addresses.
this troll likes to visit multiple trading rooms on IRC
(many chat rooms eventually banned him for attacking other
users or spamming his
Emini ES trading system, Forex trading system, Binary
Options trading system) although he seemed to have
disappeared from IRC after the negative review of
troll didn't understand simple market
slang like s/r
levels and would ask me what did the S represent and
what did the R represent and then refers to my speech and
writing style (I'm trilingual) as street slang or unsophisticated.
Reality, this troll pretends to be naive via not understanding common
market words or
phrases...another revealing posting habit
fingerprint about
this troll.
Its because of this particular troll...I made it a
requirement (vetting process) that all users of the free
chat room must prove they understand WRB Analysis prior to being allowed to use the free
chat room...a chat room for traders using key concepts from
WRB Analysis. This vetting process begin via creation of the
private thread section at the forum and to help minimize the
trolling between members between 2010 - 2013 in which I
begin to enforce in 2014 via an additional qualification
for access to the free chat room.
That additional qualification involved requiring all users
of WRB Analysis including the free chat room to post
redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their
broker trade execution platform later in their private
thread regardless if they used the free chat room or
not. This is also my way of enforcing the theme of the free
chat room...its a trade journal of your own trades and you must
not use the free
chat room as a signal calling trade alert room.
Simply, I didn't want anyone in the free chat room just
hanging out...lurking and not able to verify they're using
WRB Analysis in their trade performance.
on image to review communication by the troll)
Angry Banned
Troll @
a small sampling of this troll
that reminds me of someone
that behaves as if he has split personalities (Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde) after taking drug cocktail in one of those old
creature feature horror movies.
troll's has used multiple user names to hide his / her
identity via changes names frequently at the forum or
free chat room to regain access to these resources. I have
more screenshots of specific threats in which he targets
individual family members and he seems obsessed with
researching and trying to find any dirt on you.
fact, if there's no dirt...he'll
make negative commentary about your heritage, language even
if he's wrong about it all...its his way of enjoying the false
narratives he creates in an effort to gather more
online followers when in reality he's retaliating for being
Multiple different identities by this troll via user names
like carole_mineau, newbieman, moo_cali, mojo,
mojo_dog, tfido, marketmarket, aviator, sam, Avatargruman,
markg, Warren, Lesa and markg55778...all using the
same type initial emails that are polite / complimenting
wrbtrader / free chat room. Yet, after I tell this troll
that he / she must post verification of understanding WRB
Analysis Free Study Guide plus redacted screenshots of trade
fills in broker trade execution platform just like everybody
else...the troll does a Dr. Jekyle / Mr. Hyde switch in
which the emails then become profanity
lace fake poor grammar
I then reply with a message if he's the same quant with a
trading system at website and often in the past he
has stated he was more sophisticated than me and
bragged that he's stolen trade methods from other
vendors...then later resold them through other sharing
websites...that are really just ecommerce blogs.
fact, with these frequent user name changes...there are
multiple aliases at other forums & blogs in an psychotic
effort to look
like several members when in reality its just this one
single individual that uses impersonations of males /
females while making prison erotica threats...usually he /
she then attacks my family members (e.g. spouse, children).
This troll is obviously mentally unstable and its the reason
why I will not
cater to any of his demands and the reason why all of his IP
addresses used to contact me have all been banned (blocked).
This is the main reason why its very suspicious when
someone new contacts me and states I have not replied to any of their
prior emails to
me. The reason why I don't reply to those emails is because
I never received them. Those emails were sent from banned
emails addresses, banned IP addresses or banned locations in
which my host stops the emails from being sent to my inbox.
They typically are emails from banned trolls from
California, Florida, Texas and Philippines...trolling in an
effort to gain access to my free chat
It's a troll
that loves making prison erotic statements, pretends to be a
woman one day and then a man the next day and once stated to
have siblings from the New York / Boston area that are
criminals too as if its a crime syndicate.
well known troll once got upset with me because my free chat
room was not
a signal calling trade alert room with a guru trader telling
you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. He
consistently stated he can bring traders to my free chat
room that are willing to pay a fee if I change my chat room
to a live trading room (signal calling trade alert
room). He then said he would then get a referral
addition, he seemed obsessed with a reviewer named
Dr. Dean Handley
when Dr. Dean Handley was in my free chat room to do statistical
analysis of my
real-time trades and statistical analysis of trades by users
of WRB Analysis...including the troll telling me
not to have
any conversations with Dr. Dean Handley.
In fact, he was highly critical of Dr. Dean Handley and a
few times implied he had a
prior working
relationship with him while refusing to disclose any
specific details about that business relationship. At first,
I begin to think that maybe this troll was someone that Dr.
Dean Handley had given a negative review. Yet, it didn't
explain how this troll showed up in my chat room the same
day that Dr. Dean Handley showed up until he hinted that
he's been shadowing
him (I prefer to call it online stalking) and he had
a prior business arrangement with Dr. Dean Handley
that sour after Handley accused the troll of falsifying some
information about himself.
Oddly, the troll never engaged in any direct conversations
with Dr. Dean Handley when the two were in the free chat
room at the same time while the troll consistently bashed
him to me in private messaging. It was as if the problematic
troll was afraid of Dr. Dean Handley or
afraid that Dr. Dean Handley would recognize his real
troll's IP address was primarily from California
(rented IP address subnet) at the time when him and
Dr. Dean Handley visited my
free chat room although once in awhile he would
log in via either Texas, Florida or the
implied these were locations that this troll would sometimes
travel to for whatever reasons.
One day I realize why this troll is so fixated
on my free chat room.
It's because the chat room is free and that's a threat to
affiliations / partnerships the troll has with others to pay
the troll a commission for sending them clients.
the fact that I'm very outspoken against signal calling
trade alert rooms for many years including showing
verification that the differences in the cognitive
decision making process (behavioral finance) between
the signal caller and the clients...mimicking, copying,
piggybacking, replicating trades posted in a signal calling
trade alert doesn't work.
Further, no one has proven me wrong via submitting trade
alerts from a signal caller that correlates with trade fills
in the broker trade execution platform of the client that
received the trade alerts. This was something that frustrated
/ anger this particular troll.
fact, the troll angry response and multiple identities are
the reasons why I begin documenting the IP address of this
particular troll because I would later see the same IP
address many times in the threatening emails. Later, the IP
addresses begin changing multiple times between California,
Florida, Texas, Philippines and correlating with the troll
that had an account with
started putting the puzzle together about this specific
He / She is fixated on my free chat
room. Seriously, this troll has a free space in his / her
head just for TheStrategyLab.
He knew about other reviews and was
specifically interested in generating income via reviews.
He greatly enjoy the fact that many
vendors were not aware that they were being "secretly
He enjoy the fact he was using the
resources for free and would often return multiple times via
different identities if kicked, removed or
His main IP addresses were out of
California although sometimes from Texas, Florida, Thailand
and Philippines.
He has a fascination with live trading
rooms (signal calling trade rooms) and mentors.
He failed many times to convince me to
get rid of my free chat room via converting it to a signal
calling trade room.
Often resorts to prison erotica attacks
when he / she is denied access to my free chat room.
He initially had a strong interest or unusual interest in my referral program but was unable to
He seems to have a hang up
with DOM trading although most traders these days are not
scalpers or just doesn't
use the DOM and Order Flow.
I pssst him off a few times
when I respond with statements like "are you on drugs"
after he disclosed he was using multiple aliases in other
chat rooms and trade alert rooms.
He's obsessed with trading
records although he had no trading records of his own verification while bragging about his trade
results and bragging about his Emini ES trading system at
and often talked about forex robotic trading systems /
binary options trading systems.
He knew many criminals and
believed cyber crime was the way to go online including
stealing education information and then marketing it as his
own via an alias associated with another country.
He became very angry with me
Dr. Dean Handley published his positive
review of my free
chat room.
He had excellent
communication skills and a command of the English language
but the next day...he was just the opposite and often sent
profanity laced messages filled with English errors as if he
was high on drugs or as if
he had some kind of a multiple personality disorder.
Finally, February
2016, he stated he
give me bad publicity even though his initial threats about
giving me bad publicity occurred late 2015 after I sarcastically
told him he must be smoking some good shit. Soon
after or about the same
time as Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools released a review of
TheStrategyLab...this troll suddenly disappeared from IRC as
confirmed by other IRC chat room owners that I communicated
with after
Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools posted a negative review
about TheStrategyLab.
He's now a scam and associated with binary options robot
trading systems, forex robot trading systems and other scam
automated trading systems with shady overnight websites
and in
which everything they do illegally through the servers of
and their partners.
I've already made image copies of their Whois info during
their interaction with TheStrategyLab just in case they change
their Whois info at a later date via using a different host
& different registrar.
there was something more about this troll than his obvious
issues with Dr. Dean Handley. Hopefully, my reporting every
one of his IP addresses from California, Florida, Texas and
Philippines to the international spam databases that's used
by thousands of forum owners and website owners was able to
control this troll's ability to communicate with me and
other website owners that uploads anti-spam databases to
their own resources.
of his IP addresses were via VPN or rented IP
addresses...constantly changing but his profanity laced
emails and threats never changed like fingerprints
that reveal this troll as the same person I've banned many
times in the past. Further, since I've uploaded my TheStrategyLab Review webpage...he's
been attempting to hide his ownership of and along with
registering other website names just in case the above
websites gets shut down for their illegal get rich scams and
their copying my copyright protected images of verified
trade performance to market their scam automated trading
you know why I'm suspicious when someone (the troll)
tells others
I've ignored their emails when in fact I do not get emails
from anyone already
on my international ban list (updated every month) for
unprofessional behavior. That's something they should easily
understand. As soon as I hear someone complaining about me not responding to their emails,
referring to price that's incorrect for a trading manual
last sold in 2005 or they refer in error to website as a "trading platform"...I
contact my ISP to get a record of all their IP addresses
that had sent me emails prior to their removal off the servers
due to my banned list with the help of a close friend that
works for my ISP.
are stupid people that are angry when I refuse to partner up
with them, consistently refer to Dr. Dean Handley or angry
when I promise to expose their robotic trading system scams
but only after they have made threats towards me and my family.
on image to review website correlations for this troll)
Troll Email
Trail leads to Tradersoffer Tradingschools and Businessstut
A little more information I
know about this troll...he now has a small child with his
he seems to be from
California, he
has a dog
that he's crazy about, he
has a problem
with drugs,
multiple different aliases
to use
the services
of other vendors
and he has
working relationship with
others that
multiple aliases including someone(s) out of Florida,
Texas, Thailand
and Philippines.
In addition, many of his
profanity laced, threatening emails came through
servers out of California (not Cloudflare servers
located in other countries) and he resells stolen
trade methods through several websites that have
as their registrar.
By the way if you don't know
it...reselling copyright protected digital content is a criminal
offense...reason why those that do such operate from
another country while they reside in a different country.
A rep at Google refer to
these types of reselling websites that steals content from
others are more like throw-away sites that can
easily (quickly) pop up at a later date when their scam has
been exposed.
This troll is
committing fraud via using the trading industry to launch his
schemes although his victims have very little legal recourse
to stop such fraud. Worst, just think about the fraud they may
commit against you if they gain access to your private data
and trading accounts ? They will make the Facebook /
Cambridge Analytical privacy scandal look like a
Some days he's clever and
articulates well and other days he seems like some racist
redneck that makes an effort to hide his racist attitudes even
with his associations with Panama and Philippines
(hiding behind a secret identity) through private
registrations for the stolen education content that's
being resold. This is an excellent example of why I don't want
to partner with nor affiliate with any other businesses nor
share any private info with strangers beyond what's already
cautiously posted at this website with anyone that hides
their real identity or uses a fake name/picture or multiple
aliases...especially those that makes a habit to threaten me
or threaten my family when I refuse or say NO to any
of their requests.
All threats were via
email, Skype, IRC or private threats via
Yeah, I have more information
like the image above for other websites and blogs from India,
Pakistan, China, Russia, Panama and Philippines that are
stealing digital content from around the world for the sole
purpose to resell them...documentation of their
relationships to a few of these trolls including the IP
addresses correlation with the troll's website registrations,
banned email addresses and servers the emails travel through
when they try to contact me via my email address.
The Second Troll
His user name is traderob
(formerly known as roberk) is possibly the most bonehead troll
out there that has trolled wrbtrader / TheStrategyLab. He
hangs out at a forum I hang out called Elitetrader @
He mainly hangs out in the
Politics, Religion & Spirituality and Chit Chat threads
although you'll see him sometimes venture into the Trading or Feedback threads just to argue
(vent) about whatever is giving him an itch. This troll is
very sneaky too because sometimes he'll go into the
Announcements section of Elitetrader...its a section for
sponsors of the forum to post about their products and
He's too much of a coward to
say anything directly to the sponsors but he will use the Likes
feature to Like another member's message post that attacks a
sponsor or questions the
sponsor's merits of their business model. This particular
troll originally used the user name roberk prior to
changing it to traderob (Forum owner Baron changed the user
name). With that said about traderob...he first contacted me
via private message many years ago via his original user name
roberk by asking me questions about my website.
I had never had any
conversations with roberk (now known as traderob) prior
to the private messages. Thus, at the moment in time I did not
consider him to be a troll nor a liar. He became a troll when
I notice his behavior towards another member by the name of
dbphoenix when dbphoenix argue with another member named
Anyways, roberk begin sending
me private messages and I immediately became suspicious of him
when he asked me how much I would charge to mentor someone
like him. It's suspicious because I don't market /
advertise my services at along with the fact
he asked me about a service that I do not
offer and has never offered. I replied that I do not
offer a mentor service and that I do not
know him in reference to his statement someone like him.
He seemed confused
especially when I told him that if he has any further
questions about my services...he needs to contact me at my
forum and not @ considering I'm not a
sponsor of that forum. Simply, to discuss my education
resources with him even in private message would be a violation
of terms of use policy. Also, I just didn't
trust this roberk character considering he tried so hard to
communicate with me @
instead of easily communicating with me @ TheStrategyLab,
email or Skype.
There is a possibility he was
communicating with me at my own forum but he was using a
different user name to hide his identity so that I would not
connect the dots to the roberk @
Later, my suspicion about his
hidden agenda for soliciting me @
Elitetrader were verified when traderob
(formerly known as roberk) started a thread about me via
labeling it Top Scam vendor-member on ET ?
on image to review user name change glitch @
(roberk) the top scam member troll of Elitetrader @
It must be noted that has a user name change glitch.
The forum owner Baron will either allow you to close your old
user name and create a new user name if you give him a good
enough reason to do such or
he'll just change your user name so that every one of your prior
message posts will reflect your new user name.
The latter is what Baron
did for roberk
(traderob) but the glitch is that if roberk was ever quoted by
anyone at the forum when he was known as roberk...the original
message post would show traderob but if would show
The problem is this...traderob
is a liar that's been caught in a few lies in his
interaction with me or in
his interaction with others about me. He denies that his user
name was changed from roberk to traderob although I'm unsure
about why he would claim he doesn't know what someone is
talking about when they verify what I saw.
For example, see image
on the left...he's marketing a vendor's services at when traderob said to pm me if
interested but the name originally was roberk
before Baron changed it to traderob without knowing
roberk was marketing other vendor services @ while he attacked sponsored vendors (sponsors
paying Baron a fee to discuss their services) in other message
posts at the forum...the pot calling the kettle black.
Another lie by traderob,
he post links to my website and claims there's no redacted
screenshots via saying no proof and he states I use to market/advertise TheStrategyLab when in
fact its traderob (roberk) the only one posting links to my
website and he's the one marketing the services of other
vendors @
traderob took that lie
one step too far via stating in the feedback thread during my
argument with marketsurfer that I marketed my services to him
in private message via stating that it was I that solicited
him when he assumed in error that Baron and the
moderators didn't know I was also a vendor. The fact is that
Baron knew I was a vendor because I told him in private
message before I requested a user name change from NihabaAshi
to wrbtrader along with the fact that Baron's right hand named
Joe was a user of my free chat room for about
a week when it was known as #EminiFutures / #FuturesTrades on
the Othernet server.
I then posted the
private messages to show that roberk contacted me first via
asking several questions about my website including asking me
about mentor services I do not offer. He then double
down on his lie via stating he did not
via implying he was not roberk (pretending I
had him mixed up with someone else) until I posted screenshots
of the glitch that reveals user name changes.
Instead of
apologizing...he criticize me for posting a conversation that
was private between him and I but he did not say anything else
about the username change until years later when he posted a
thread about wrbtrader that he titled Top scam
vendor-member on ET ? He started that thread a few
hours after Tradingschools review (May 13th 2016) of
TheStrategyLab...a thread that the forum owner Baron closed
due to the fabrications and attacks that had no proof of any
scam as the thread is titled.
funny thing is that traderob posted a message in another
thread called A list of all scam unregulated 3rd
party educational vendors soon after midnight on May
14th 2016...a few hours after
Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools released his review of
Not one
member replied to that message post nor gave him any
must have made him very angry to be ignored
like that. It's the reason he then retaliated and tried again
via starting the thread called Top scam vendor-member on
ET ?
This traderob troll
(aka roberk) has attempted multiple times to attack my website @ while I myself do not market my website, never
marketed my website at the forum
It is the exact same behavior
pattern that Emmett Moore Jr. has...he hates to be ignored and
if you do not respond to his insults and demands...he'll give
you negative consequences (bad review). The
problem with the thread Top scam vendor-member on ET ?
is that traderob had an issue with someone else that
stated my trades are posted within 20 - 30 seconds in delay in
comparison to what they see on their charts...
A comment stated by someone not
a member of the free chat room nor a
member of my live screen share meeting. Traderob is like
Emmett Moore Jr. via the fact that traderob has an issue
with my free chat room and the illusion I'm
advertising @ along with
the illusion my free chat room is a signal calling
trade alert room. It explains why these two trolls compare
my free chat room to signal calling trader alert rooms that
they advertise while not able to post verification of their
own trade performance to verify they were able to be
profitable when they replicated the signal calls by those
explains why these two trolls compare my free chat room to
signal calling trader alert rooms that they advertise while
not able to post verification of their own trade performance
to verify they were able to be profitable when they
replicated the signal calls by those vendors.
contrast, traderob is decides to
argue with others (not me) about the length of time that it
takes for me to post my trades in my free chat room after
confirmation in my broker trade execution platform...a
free chat room that he knows is not a signal calling
trade alert room, never advertised as a signal calling
trade alert room, he knows I hate the business model of signal
calling trade alert rooms and he knows I ban traders
that try to use my free chat room as a signal calling trade
alert room to copy/mimic/piggyback/replicate trades posted by
members or myself.
Yep, he knows that other
members in the free chat room are posting their trades, or WRB
Analysis comments too as required to continue using the free
chat stated in my Terms of Use Policy and agreed upon by the
trader in their access to the free chat room. Also, he knows
that some members of my free chat room post their redacted
screenshots of broker statements or redacted screenshots of
trade fills window from the broker trade execution platform
to verify their use of WRB Analysis.
Not only is traderob a troll...he's not the
sharpest tool in the shed. A troll that prefers to lurk at
trader forums and give "likes" on message posts by
others that make dumbass statements that he's too afraid to
say himself for fear of being called an idiot.
Common sense would indicate
that traderob got caught via a different alias in my
free chat room and then banned for trying to
use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room
considering he has promoted signal calling trade alert rooms @
Elitetrader...a few of them the same signal calling trade alert
rooms recommended/partnered with Emmett Moore Jr. of
Therefore, one could argue
that traderob is in fact Emmett Moore Jr. trying to continue
creating false narratives after failing to find any
dirt on me or traderob is just
a minion of Tradingschools.
Back to the debate between
traderob and the other ET members that have seen my verification
of trade performance because they actually posted links to my referral
program webpage in their attempt to bash my referral
program while not saying a single word about the verification of
trade performance images posted on that specific webpage...
A webpage that I maintain a
real-time log of IP addresses that access that webpage...about
80% of the IP addresses accessing that webpage, downloading
the verification of trade performance images are from foreign
countries...not from France, Canada nor the United States.
- By the way, the IP
Addresses from the area in California that Emmett Moore
Jr. resides...they too access the referral program webpage, downloaded
the verification of trade performance images from that
webpage and the same from other areas of the website /
forum. In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. then mentions my referral
program (he called it Affiliation Program) in his
written review of TheStrategyLab without mentioning
anything about the verification of trade performance on
that webpage in his written review of
Regardless, I did not want to
get involved in a debate between traderob and others via
reposting any of my redacted screenshots @ that show timestamp trade fills in my front end
(broker trade execution platform) versus the timestamp trades
posted in the free chat room because I would then be accused
of promoting my website and that's a violation of terms of use policy...that would result in me
(wrbtrader) being banned.
its a type of advertising that traderob (roberk) is trying to
sucker me into posting my verification of trade
performance @ so that he can
continue accusing me of advertising / marketing when he
knows my redacted screenshots also has advertisements
of my education resources.
Also, it will give traderob
and other trolls the power to control my content...telling
me when to post it, where to post it and what format to use
while they are unable / unwilling to post their own verification
of trade performance.
It's also a reason why
reviewers will not copy / post my redacted
screenshots at their blog / website because I advertise on my
redacted screenshots (e.g. Trades via Advance WRB Analysis
Tutorial Chapters / Volatility Trading Report) to prevent the
reviewer from reposting my redacted screenshots...if they do...I
get free advertisement...taking away their control.
Also, Baron (
wants a reason to ban a vendor that's a non
sponsor of his forum while defending their services. I've seen
Baron delete many other vendors that defended themself @ by posting verification of trade performance and
I was not going to be another vendor that got sucker into a
Simply, traderob has been
around long enough to know that the forum owner Baron @ will ban any vendor that defends their resources
while not a sponsor of the forum. It's the
reason why traderob does not attack me at
other forums that I'm also a member like, or because those forum allows vendors to talk
about their resources when members ask questions about a vendor.
Regardless, my defense involving my education resources will
only involve me saying there's redacted screenshots posted @
TheStrategyLab but you will never see me
reposting my redacted screenshots at any forum.
On the flip side, one
would think if I wanted to use forums to advertise / market my
resources...I would not spend 98% of my forum
use time @ when I should spend
my time at those other mentioned forums. I maintain a trader
profile at these forums so that users of WRB Analysis can easily
contact me there via private message when they
want to talk to me about anything even if its not related to
Regardless, traderob (roberk),
his initial message post and the thread he started so soon after
Tradingschools review of TheStrategyLab...he was trying to set
me up to defend myself @ so that he can say I was advertising /
marketing. Thus, it looks more like a one-sided, biased back
alley journalism that stems from a bad coordinated attack by
Emmett Moore Jr. working together with one of his minions
(traderob) or traderob is
Emmett Moore Jr.
considering his online behavior involves fake multiple
identities / impersonations.
What traderob does not
say is that my free chat room is not a
signal calling trade alert room in which he states someone had
an issue with Emmett Moore Jr. review of TheStrategyLab
involving the written review that stated there were no
calls to imply that my free chat room was a signal
calling trade alert room that made no calls (similar
to Al Brooks making no calls to tell others what to trade,
when to buy and when to sell in a chat room supported by Al
Brooks) especially via the fact that Emmett Moore Jr.
categorize his review of TheStrategyLab in his section called
Live Trade Rooms.
In fact, some of the
replies at Tradingschools are in reference to this issue that
I make no calls when in reality...I post my
trades after confirmation in my broker trade
execution platform along with other members in free chat room
as a trade journal...not as a signal calling
trade alert room. 
Instead, traderob talks
(argues as shown in the image to the right) about something
involving 20 - 30 seconds delay in my trade
posts in the free chat room as if I have a trade room (signal
calling trade alert room) with an unreasonable delay that
prevents someone from trying to mimic / copy / piggyback /
replicate my trade posts. It would only be an unreasonable
delay to someone trying to replicate my trade posts in the
free chat room.
Simply, traderob views
my free chat room or probably tried to use my free chat room
as a signal calling trade alert room considering in his
message posts he said...It is quite long enough to see what
direction a momentum trade went and give highsight calls.
That is a statement use use towards someone that has a signal
calling trade alert room.
More importantly,
traderob ignores the fact that I post my trade fills window
from my broker trade execution platform that show trades
correlating with the trades I posted in the free chat room
when he posted a link to my referral program while complaining about
it in a different message post shown further below while at
the same time lying when he stated in another message
I do not post verification of my trades of the trades posted
in my free chat room when I actually do post random redacted
screenshots all over my website/forum as shown at the referral program webpage.
Further, he compares my
free chat room to a signal calling trade alert room called Watchhimtrade...confirming
he views and/or used my free chat room as a signal calling
trade alert room.
In fact, traderob dared
me to post a broker statement at when it was
already posted at the referral program webpage that
he linked too but he intentionally did not mention I had
already posted redacted screenshots of a broker statement
& redacted screenshot of trades in my broker trade
execution software trade fill window that correlate with the
trades posted in my free chat room.
This is another reason
why I consider traderob a bonehead troll that is upset
that I do not allow anyone to violate my terms
of use by trying to use my free chat room as a signal
calling trade alert room...same reason why I banned Emmett
Moore Jr. from my free chat room when he used a fake
identity to make threats against my family and myself
when he gained access to the free chat room.
Oddly, the argument by
traderob validates my opinion about the cognitive decision
making process I make in the section called Behavioral
Finance in the review of Emmett Moore Jr. of
It's obvious that
traderob does not understand nor
why my free chat room is not a
signal calling trade alert room via the fact he's making an
issue about the timestamp delay while he hides the fact that
the timestamp delay occurs after
the trades are executed in my broker trade execution platform.
Unfortunately, I
couldn't find the message post that traderob was talking about
considering he posted the wrong link to the message post about
the time delay issue even though I know it has only been
discussed before by another ET member via the username Gotcha.
I mention the member Gotcha
because he's someone that enjoys studying trade journals online
any where because he's trying to learn something about trading
and price action interpretations from the journals. Simply,
Gotcha had been reviewing my public trade journal here @
TheStrategyLab and was comparing the timestamps of posted trades
in the free chat room to his live charts or
something like that. I believe he became aware of my public
trade journal via the review @ Tradingschools
considering Gotcha joined Elitetrader the same month soon after
the review (a little suspicious in my opinion).
on image to review broker trade execution platform with
trading results)
TheStrategyLab Broker Trade Execution Platform and
Free Chat Room @
Chat Log @
I've attached this redacted
screenshot from my primary monitor I use in live screen share
meeting to show exactly what I've been explaining to Gotcha
when he only looks at the timestamp of the posted trades in the
free chat in comparison to his own charts when I strongly
believe he should be looking at the timestamp trade fills in the
broker trade execution platform considering the trade fills in
the broker trade execution platform are real time
whereas the timestamps of the trades in the free chat room
occurs after (delay) the broker trade
execution platform.
Simply, he does not
have access to my live screen sharing meeting to see the trades
being executed in the broker trade execution platform and he
only has access to public
archive chat logs of the free chat room. Yet,
lets pretend he did have access to the free chat room and he's
logged into a server in Arizona while I'm logged into a server
in France...due to the delays between any particular Freenode
servers...whatever location near his home...he would see my
trades on his screen more seconds after the
shown trades in the above redacted screenshot of the free chat
room or maybe the server he's
on will show an earlier time.
For example, pretend I posted
a trade @ 10:01:15 am...others in the free
chat room depending upon where they're located at in the world
may see the same trade posted between 10:01:15 am to 10:01:45
depending upon which of the server they're logged into from a
dozen available Freenode servers around the world. Also, in some
situations...the server he's on may have an earlier
time instead of a delay time. Thus, his Freenode server and logs
may show an earlier timestamp of the same trade for example @
10:01:03 am.
What I'm trying to explain is
that neither him nor anyone else can use the
timestamps from archive chat logs (those not in the free chat
room) nor their own real time logs (those in the free chat room)
to determine how I'm trading. Yet, he can if he either
has access to the live screen sharing meeting to see the trades
executed in my broker trade execution platform or
he's sitting side by side with me in my home office as I
executed the above shown trades in the redacted screenshot.
This is what Emmett Moore Jr.
does not understand when he promotes / partner
with those he highly recommends via stating the trade alerts
(signal calls) are highly replicate nor
does traderob understand when he promotes (now
known as links at when both of
them should be showing the timestamps of their trade fills in
their broker trade execution platform versus
the timestamps of the trade alerts they saw in the trade alert
rooms to verify they in fact highly replicated
the trade alerts.
Instead, traderob is a
bonehead because he visits my website and then
chooses to post links to webpages about my Referral
Program @ and
Frequently Asked Questions @
although I'm not sure why he selected those webpages.
Those webpages he posted you can see...there's redacted screenshots to verify
trade performance for any particular trading day along with the
archive chat logs where users of WRB Analysis and myself posted
their trades. Now read the statement in the image to the left.
He attempts to present a false narrative via implying that
TheStrategyLab has a signal calling trade alert service and a
trading manual when he states to someone - OK do you have a
website that sells signals / trading manuals/?
TheStrategyLab does not
have a signal calling trade alert service...never
had one and I ban anyone I catch trying to use my free chat room
to copy / mimic / piggyback / replicate trades by our
members...including myself. In addition, traderob then quotes
something (trader talk) I stated that makes no
reference to any signal calls nor trading manual.
By the way, that trading
manual that traderob refers to...its a hard cover
book, written in French and has not been
available since 2005. More info about the trading manual he's
talking about @ 
In contrast, he goes on record
to state he'll worship my nuts if there's any
verification info posted
That statement (worship my
nuts) is similar like prison erotica that Emmett Moore Jr. of
Tradingschools typically uses in his reviews...bad review or good review. Therefore, traderob
is either Emmett Moore Jr. @ or traderob is just an ignorant
minion of that actually worships the nuts of
Emmett Moore Jr.
Regardless, traderob fully
understands that I only post my verification of trade
performance at my own website and forum...never
at nor any other forum unless the forum owner
specifically tells me I'm allowed to post a redacted screenshot
as a profile picture of timestamp trade fills in broker trade
execution platform and free chat room...similar to my wrbtrader Twitter profile.
you'll notice how good traderob is at posting links to my
webpages at but he forgot to post links to the
daily performance record of 2016 (year
of the review of TheStrategyLab by Emmet Moore Jr.) that
contains redacted screenshots of my trade performance and he
did not post links to the
archive chat logs.
he does not mention that I have a policy
that anyone that uses the free chat room must post redacted
screenshots of their trade performance later in the evening in
their private threads to prevent losing
access to the free chat room.
Traderob is clever with words
because he's really stating he either wants to see me repost
my redacted screenshots @, repost redacted
screenshots by users of WRB Analysis at after I
stated 68% are profitable or
repost the archive chat logs when TheStrategyLab and
its members posted real time trades / real time WRB Analysis
that do in fact correlate to the trades in the
redacted screenshots.
He's actually stated in a
debate with me...questioning why I do not
post a photo of myself nor my home address. Yet, like a typical
bonehead, he obviously does not realize he too does not post a
picture of himself nor his home address in his profile @ just like almost every other forum members. As I
stated to Baron the forum owner of will only
repost my redacted screenshots at his forum, photo and home
address at his forum if Baron requires every one of his members
including traderob to do exactly the same.
Update - I've recently
started seeing travel/vacation images posted by traderob of his
family at the forum. I too have done the same of my family
(children) including stating the cities I reside in the Canada,
France and the United States plus posting pictures of friends.
In contrast, traderob does not tell us the city he resides nor
post images of his friends.
Message to traderob (roberk) of I trade from home...I have a family
to protect. I do not post about my income nor
my performance record @ nor at
any other forum. Simply, its none of your business. You will
never know my home address nor what I look like (hint:
mother is French and father is Lakota, Sioux...both catholic).
In fact, you can post your home address, your photo and your
redacted screenshots to verify your trade performance
considering you're on record at multiple times
in stating you make profits while using the services
of along with you posting their links (they're
now called
Seriously, you're welcome to copy my
redacted screenshots from TheStrategyLab and then repost them @ instead of trying to sucker me into doing it so
that I will be banned for advertising / marketing because my
redacted screenshots typically contain advertisement of my
education resources in the redacted (blacken)areas of the
screenshot. It should be very easy for you to do because you're
already posting links to my website.
Also, you should be able to post your own
redacted screenshots to verify your trade performance while
using the services of to stop others from
thinking you're a hypocrite and a minion of Tradingschools to
prove you can highly replicate the trades of
the signal calling trade alert room that Emmett Moore Jr.
recommends. Yet, if you're unable to post your own verification
of trade performance...does that imply you're in fact the top
scam member troll @ ?
why would I repost or
send any of my redacted screenshots from my
website and forum to Emmett Moore Jr. a convicted SEC
felon convicted of the same crimes as Bernie Madoff,
liar, impersonator with multiple identities, conceals his
identities, hacker, failed quant that has a review blog name
Tradingschools ?
Why should I repost my
content (redacted screenshots) for any troll like
traderob @ whenever they
request redacted screenshots especially when I do not
market nor advertise @ while traderob and Emmett Moore Jr. represents
no government agency nor do they have any right to my personal /
confidential financial information beyond what's already posted
in my own backyard here @ TheStrategyLab ?
It must be noted, a few of the
usernames bashing me (wrbtrader) @ in response to what traderob comments about
TheStrategyLab / wrbtrader or
giving traderob likes on his messages posts when he
attacked me...those usernames formed (joined in
May 2016 (e.g.
Nereto) the same month as Tradingschools review of
TheStrategyLab. It looks more like an orchestrated coordinated
Not once did
Baron acknowledge such a strange coincidence that seems like a
coordinated bashing attack by these minions involving their
registration dates @ Elitetrader. More
strange...most of those usernames soon stopped posting after
traderob posted his Top scam
vendor-member on ET? thread at,
after the review by Tradingschools of TheStrategyLab. Yet, to be
fair, Gotcha (now known as Seaweed) username also joined in May 2016 in which he quickly befriended
to Baron ( You took it upon
yourself to publicly repost a few of Emmett Moore Jr. false
narratives about me (a member of your discussion
forum...the same forum that he talks negative about) without
contacting me prior to you making those
public comments in the Where did wrbtrader go ?
thread at your forum that you moved from the Feedback thread
into the Chit Chat section.
pretend you can go back in time...I recommend you send me a private
message to ask for my side of the story prior
to publicly commenting even after you had closed another
thread about TheStrategyLab by traderob called Top scam
vendor-member on ET?...a thread you closed 6 - 7 months
what changed for you between the two threads ? The only
difference is that you must have thought I was not
able to reply nor defend myself which is why you commented in
the thread Where did wrbtrader go ? in which some
members believes it implies you must have
been aware that I was in the hospital. You of all people
should have known better to get involved and should have first
reached out to me via private message or direct email to ask
how I was doing or where I was at. You would have then gotten
an auto reply that my family setup to notify
anyone that emailed me that I was in the hospital with the
pneumonia and in a coma.
you say nothing publicly @
about marketsurfer inability to post a single redacted
screenshot of any trading day to verify any of those trade
calls he made @ Elitetrader including you
briefly allowing him to become a sponsor of your forum. Your
actions insulted many of your members including myself that do
in fact post redacted screenshots to verify trade performance
elsewhere outside of
had you contacted me first...I would just send you to the
following links @
You can
then publicly make your comments about me after
you've read my side of the story at the above links to know
about the only interaction (telephone conversation) that I had
with Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools and to understand my
response (rebuttal) to what he stated at his Tradingschools
review blog now that I'm out of the hospital and able to
defend myself against a SEC felon / liar / impersonator /
view into this issue when you directly involved yourself @
The more I think about it, traderob
behavior is very similar to Emmett Moore Jr.
of Tradingschools in the way he ignored redacted screenshots to
verify trade performance along with ignoring the archive chat
room logs that shows many members and myself posting their real
time trades.
In fact, some users at think traderob is either
Emmett Moore Jr. himself (a master of multiple identities), RobB
a frequent poster @ Tradingschools review
blog, Reyna the Filipina that works for Tradingschools because
traderob once stated @ that he
goes to the Philippines for vacation, a minion of Tradingschools
review blog or just someone I
banned for trying to use my free chat room as
a signal calling trade alert room.
Regardless, the bonehead
(troll like) move by traderob in posting links at to my website webpages that contains redacted
screenshots to verify trade performance that correlated to to
the same trades I posted in the free chat room is similar to the
bonehead move by Valforex that posted a
redacted screenshot from my homepage on October 3rd Tuesday 20177.
It's a redacted screenshot
that I copied from my daily performance record at the forum
while at the same time Valforex states nobody in the free chat
room post trades (he refers to it as trade calls) and
there's no verification of profits. Valforex got my redacted
screenshot from either @
or from the monthly performance records of 20177.
As a reminder, I'm big
on using the message posting habits (I refer
to as fingerprints) of those I interact with on social media
and have become suspicious of their motives when they contact
me. I pay close attention to their commonly used words /
phrases to determine their true character and any hidden
agendas in any new statements they make especially when they
are soliciting me about my website. roberk is on record at as a basher of vendors
although he promotes a select few vendors (e.g. via posting direct links at
to the websites of the vendors he did support and states he
uses (used) their services...contrasting his belief
not to trust any
This is the only reason
why I became suspicious when roberk started sending private
messages to me out of the blue...asking questions about my
website. He was soliciting me for info about my website,
mentoring and free chat room.
Anyways, I asked him to give
me the link at my website that states I mentor. He replied
that he could not find one. I told him
again, that's because I don't have a mentor service and I've never
mentored anyone. In addition, I noticed his other questions
seem to be more about what I did not offer
(signal calling trade alert service) instead of about what I
did chat room for users of WRB Analysis. In fact,
each time I told him I didn't offer a particular service...I
asked for a link to the service and he then begin to not
respond to my requests for him to find the link. Instead, he
would move on to the next strange question about a
service I didn't have or ask
me about people I've never heard about before.
In one particular question he
had about my services...I responded via giving him direct
links to a public thread @
TheStrategyLab that contained real time trades by clients
& myself in the free chat room and broker statements
(daily, weekly, monthly) by clients of WRB Analysis @ (Today,
there's a private thread section for users
of WRB Analysis to post questions and verify their learning /
application of WRB Analysis)
Also, I told him my own
broker statements are private and posted in my private thread
but I do post public redacted screenshots of trade fills in my
broker trade execution platform (sometimes with the audit
trail window of trade fills and trade fills wimdow in broker
trade execution platform) along with an image of the same
trades posted in the free chat room...screenshot
taken during live screen share meeting with several verified
users of WRB Analysis. In addition, a few times per week, I
make it clear its not a signal calling
trade alert service....I can see members screens too when they
execute their trades in their broker trade execution platform
although most do not use the free chat room (chat room is a
distraction from their trading).
roberk didn't respond to
that...instead...he never sent me another
private message again and I assumed he had a hidden agenda
behind his questions. Later, roberk changes his username to
traderob and would then deny this private message interaction
until I reposted a few of the private messages including
showing his username changed from roberk to traderob although
I am unsure when the change occurred although he still has the
same posting fingerprints.
The Third Troll
uses the user name rwbil @
TheStrategyLab, RobB @ Tradingschools and
possibly traderob (roberk) @ and it obviously raises the issue that this
troll is using multiple aliases to harass
purchased the advance tutorial chapters service and then
expected me to mentor him even though he knew I don't offer
a mentoring service...never mentored any trader. In
addition, he said he was hoping the free chat room could be
used as a signal calling trade alert room...someone telling
him what to trade, when to buy and when to sell.
even admitted he was hoping to use the real-time trades
posted by other members including myself to make
dollars while
learning the advance tutorial chapters. I reminded him I
didn't offer that type of service, he didn't pay for that
type of service and his response to me was that of being
very disappointed although he stated he understood.
Later, he became a troll when I did not allow him to purchase my higher
level education resources and I did not allow him access him access to new
trade signal strategies still being designed for current
market conditions. The problem was that he would
not backtest his
trade signal strategies to develop confidence in his trading
and he had a mentor
that he would not
identify to me.
He has too many bad habits that told me he would
not do the work if
I allowed him to purchase my trade signal strategies. Just
as important, he would not post verification of trade
performance in his private thread. Argues often via Skype
while he's in the free chat room on IRC while you're in the
middle of open trade positions. He's a broker / realtor out
of Jacksonville, Florida that
Seriously, I post all over my website, all
over the forum, in the registration instructions, agreement
statements, in direct emails to new users of the chat room,
reminder messages and often in bold
fonts...the free
chat room is not
a signal calling trade room and any user will be
banned for
trying to copy the trades of any other user of the chat
room. How the hell can a trader be ignorant and still try to use the free chat
room as a signal calling alert service or
get mad that there's no mentoring when such was never
advertised nor offered ?
often complained he didn't understand my trades posted in
the chat room while refusing to understand that he did not purchase my trade signal
strategies called the VTR that would allow him to understand
my trades. The service he purchased is for traders that have
their own
trade signal strategies. Further, he often complained about
his own trading results. Yet, I asked for proof of his
trades (simulator or real money)...he never showed any proof
of his stated poor performance the entire time while we
talked on Skype or via private message in the IRC chat
room...same free IRC chat room that other users of my trade
methods were posting their real-time trades.
also hated the fact I was researching new stuff (hence the
word Lab
in TheStrategyLab)
whenever market conditions change so that I can help educate
clients with adapting their own trade methods for the
current market condition via WRB Analysis that was different
than when they begin trading with WRB Analysis. He would
then demand
access to the new strategies even though he did not pay for
His anger grew when I refused to invite him to my test
group in which I
allowed trusted members to backtest and simulate trade the
new strategies and then post their quantitative statistical
analysis in their private thread via any of the recommended
professional trade journals. Instead, he decided to harass
me about the issue even in the middle of my trades. After
multiple warnings to request him to stop harassing me in the
middle of my own trades after he saw my real-time trades...I
him. Yet, just prior to the ban...he did tell me the trade
management file was worth the purchase and its really the only thing he
needed to improve the performance of his own trade signal
I'm suspicious of any user of WRB Analysis that refuses to follow the required
guidelines about
documenting their trades (simulator or real money) via a
professional trade journal software...that's posted in their
private thread after they had agreed to follow the required guidelines
in the registration process and especially those that do not or rarely post any
real-time trades or post any daily brokerage
statements so that they can give me the statistical analysis
information so that I can properly help them. These
guidelines for documentation are discussed again in each
members private threads to make sure they understand the
requirements and again in other locations that have key file
he was 100% aware of the required work he needed to do (post DOKs and
document his trades) prior to purchase as stated in the WRB
Analysis free study guide message post at the free forum
that members are required to use for their due diligence
to purchase. Members reminded him about the required
guidelines via directly telling him the
results in his private thread so that I can properly help
him or
be quiet because they are tired of watching him complain
about his own trading in his Skype messages or the IRC chat
He then had a blowup argument with me after he realized
other members did not feel sorry for him...that's when I
decided to ban him to stop the interruptions during live
trading. Members than thanked me for finally removing him
from Skype, giving the guy a ban and they wondered why I put
up with so much crap from someone not willing to do the
did post a few charts with trade explanations but never
provided any daily broker statements or real-trades with
position size beyond just saying to me I enter here and
exited there.
now hangs out at the blog to make indirect threats, rumors,
gossiping, insults, name-calling that posted a negative
review not only just about me but about other vendors. He
consistently bashes other vendors and states he used their
services including at the same time while using
TheStrategyLab prior
to the ban because I do remember him telling me on Skype
that he had a mentor and that he was using a signal calling
chat room. Later, he denied saying such even though I sent
him a copy of what he stated. His response...he was only
talking in past tense.
The Fourth Troll
often publicly stated in the chat room the usefulness of WRB
Analysis in his trading. His real-time posted trades were
profitable to support his announcements about the usefulness
of WRB Analysis. Unfortunately, he often bragged to other
members about his profits including disrupting conversations
and starting arguments with others. Next, he started
harassing me after he discover I banned another member (one
of his friends) for excessive profanity towards another
member, profanity towards myself and trolling other members.
Yet, his attempts to impersonate other users that included his
attempts to hide his IP address or often changing his IP
address during the impersonations was what upset me...I then
him but only after he admitted and then bragged about doing
the impersonations.
too now hangs out @
Tradingschools review blog that posted a negative review
about me. He consistently bashes other vendors and he had
several different mentors at the same time while using
TheStrategyLab to compensate for the fact that I didn't
offer mentoring services.
(click on image to review
trading results)
Chat Log @
on the left represents what many users in the private chat
rooms were able to see via screen sharing in
real-time as the trades occurred.
took a quick screenshot for marketing purposes, for my own
private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not
shown) and for verification that I traded on that specific
trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for
those that were not
in the chat room or not
allowed in the screen sharing for whatever reason
with others that were allowed.
have many images like this of different trading days
distributed on different webpages here at my website and at
my forum just in case someone says they didn't see
any in they didn't even look for them.
The Reseller Trolls
consistently go after these reseller trolls because they
give TheStrategyLab a bad name via selling WRB Hidden GAPs
as an indicator...a coded trading system when in fact WRB
Analysis is not
a trade signal. It's a price action analysis that works with
your trade system. They are copyright violators but that's
not a big issue considering TheStrategyLab WRB Analysis is
copyright protected. Thus, its very easy for me to shut down
these websites or get them
to remove selling these fake WRB Hidden GAP indicators that
do not
work as a trade signal strategy.
on image to review fake WRB Hidden GAP Indicators)
they easily pop up again via a different reseller of the
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide via names like trading
manual, forex wrb hidden gap indicator,
bitcoin wrb hidden gap indicator and many are secretly
associated with review websites (e.g. Valforex).
Also, I've caught two particular resellers of WRB Hidden GAP
indicators as trolls posting negative messages at the Emmett
Moore Jr. Tradingschools review blog only
after I had Google
take down their websites that sold WRB Hidden GAP indicators
as if they're from TheStrategyLab.
Worst, one of these trolls from Tradingschools review blog
was a member of my free chat room that I had
banned after I
caught him broadcasting my real time trades and the real
time trades posted by other members of the free chat room to
another location for a fee. Most of these reseller trolls
are from China, Singapore,
Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia
and Indonesia that do not
trade while working secretly
with a review website.
Other reseller trolls are actually
selling my
"redacted screenshots" that verifies my trade
performance...redacted screenshots of broker statements or redacted screenshots of
trade fills in broker trade execution platform they've
copied from
my website / forum. These are weird reseller trolls that
should be avoided.
Trolls complaining about
TheStrategyLab Verification of Trade Performance
on image to review users of WRB Analysis)
Chat Log @
a few of the trolls that are complaining at his review blog
about TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) verification of trade
performance are in those images posting profitable trades
(simulator & real money) while they use WRB Analysis.
Seriously, its comical...these trolls are posting profitable
trades via WRB Analysis and they ignore my own screenshots of
trade fills in trade execution platform...same trades posted
in the free chat room while they were in the free chat room
posting their own trades.
these trolls are not
using their broker simulator because they believe in
error that they only need
to post real time paper trades to prepare them for real money
trading. Instead, it will only sabotage their trading when they traverse into
real money trading because they skipped the critical simulator
phase to fine tune their application of WRB Analysis.
example, review the trades in the above screenshot. Look at
the trades posted by one particular troll that complains at
the review blog...he posted @ TheStrategyLab website
via the name szubaark and
he's only a free user...never
did he pay anything...not
one penny. Yeah, we then banned szubaark after we read his comments at the review
blog that correlated to comments he said to me private message
szubaark asked us questions about our free seminars and
wanting to purchase the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial
Chapters. We responded to his strange questions via telling
him that he was not
qualified to purchase our fee-base education content until he
posted verification of his learning / application of the WRB
Analysis Free Study Guide including asking him what trade
signal strategies (we actually knew he used breakouts, CCI and
price moving averages) will he be using with the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide.
He didn't take that too well including oddly complaining that
WRB Analysis is too confusing without
market context. I responded via telling him the
market context discussion
for WRB Analysis is the key market event discussion in
tutorial chapter 2.
He responded via saying or
implying he doesn't believe in that stuff. I then said fine...just
ignore my price action analysis and only use your trade
signal strategies.
Ironically, as you can see in the image on the right...he
keeps coming back to the free chat room (#FuturesTrades now
called ##TheStrategyLab) because he specially states the
quality of the traders are the best. Reality, I police the
chat room well and I encourage members to post verification of
trade performance in their private threads plus I give free
Unfortunately, I would discover later that szubaark told
another member that he was using our free chat room in hopes
to get free took him several
years to realize that we
do not
offer a mentoring service while he freely used TheStrategyLab
free resources (e.g. Free Chat Room, WRB Analysis Free Study
Guide, Free Seminars).
review the story of this troll. He would not post verification of his learning
of the WRB Analysis Free Study via not posting DOKs. He would not post verification of application
of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide via not posting screenshots of timestamp trade
fills in broker trade execution platform (simulator) because
he did not use his broker simulator and then we would not allow him access to the live screen
sharing because he was not able to verify his own trading. Next, we
would not
allow him to purchase our fee-base education content because
he wasn't able to verify his learning / application of the WRB
Analysis Free Study Guide.
szubaark broker statement fail @
Summary: szubaark had initially left the free chat
room (most of the trades he posted were profitable) after a
few arguments with other members. He then started asking us
strange questions in private message at while
posting "likes"
on the message posts of trolls at such as
traderob. We only
banned szubaark from our website/forum/free chat room after he
resurface at the review blog to bash us.
a few months after
the negative review, he removed his likes from traderob message posts and hasn't been seen at since July 8th 2016...same with a few others that made
negative comments about TheStrategyLab at the review
blog....they disappeared just like szubaark @
szubaark, these trolls fail to gain access to our fee-base
services or fail to qualify
to upgrade to a higher level service because their
screenshots did not qualify as timestamp trade fills
in broker trade execution platform (there's no
broker trade execution platform) nor qualify as a
broker statement nor real-time WRB Analysis
commentary and they did not post any verification of
trading in their private thread while they attacked other
members & attack TheStrategyLab that did post
verification of trading.
These trolls are refer to as pikers.
They show up to ask for free services and then use the free
services without saying thank you...later complaining about
their trading results and wanting free access to other
resources while later back stabbing you in
Now ask
yourself another question...what
vendors do you know that allows their clients to post
real-time trades, allows their clients to post broker PnL
statements, allows their clients to post full broker
statements (good and bad) and allowed free users &
clients to screen share with the vendor so that they
can see the trades being made in the broker trade execution
platform and see the same trades then posted in the
real-time via a auto-script after trade confirmation in the
broker trade execution platform...doing such for
many years
like TheStrategyLab ?
of WRB Analysis have done such since 2002...archive
storage forum @ (some
users post their broker statements at other forums including
their WRB us for an example of a user of
WRB Analysis doing such).

Another question to
you know any vendors that have documented their real-time
trades as far back as 2002 and broker PnL statements as far
back as September 26th 2006 similar to TheStrategyLab ?
record with broker PnL statements @
first posted broker PnL statement on September 26th 2006 via
my Japanese account user name @
(statement pulled from September
performance record with broker PnL statements @
Seriously, would you
prefer to believe a convicted felon, drug addict, someone
caught still committing fraud after being released from
prison that now gets paid to promote others that are
willing to pay
him a referral
(affiliate fee) for every client sent their way. The same
person that states the above verification by
TheStrategyLab is complete nonsense and does not
provide the smallest morsel of evidence that contradicts what is stated by 78% of users of WRB Analysis...users
that state for fact the WRB Analysis has helped their
trading in which some
have posted proof of such via their own real-time trades,
their own broker PnL statements, their own full broker
statements and documentation...who do you
believe ?
you can easily determine on your own if WRB Analysis works
for you or
does not work for you via the WRB Analysis
free study guide

(click on image to view trading results)
Chat Log @
do not
go to other forums to teach my trade methods and I do not
make 100k per month...each and every month as stated by
these trolls. Any trader can review my performance record to
see I've had only one month above 160k in profits (January
2016) along with daily real-time market observations about
the unusual volatility
for that month including exact position size. The trolls
want you to believe I was making +160k every month.
Performance Record
with Broker PnL Statements @
the same trolls
said they too had a great January 2016 in profits due to the
unusual market volatility. Yet, none of them posted any
real-time trades, no broker PnL statements, no full
broker statements but they are quick to recommend mentoring
services or signal calling services of those
they're affiliated with.
WRB Analysis is objective and rule base for discretionary
traders that are
not automated although some clients have coded WRB Analysis
on their own. If you doubt the price action definitions are
objective and rule base...just download the free study guide
at the above link and see for yourself.
be realistic. Just because WRB Analysis has objective and
rule base price action definitions does not imply two traders will use it the
same way. The fact is this, traders will use WRB Analysis differently from each other and that's why we
say that WRB Analysis has a discretionary
because we are familiar with how our users are applying it
in comparison to each other.
contrast, some users of WRB Analysis are programmers and
coders. They're using our price action definitions to merge
into their own proprietary trading systems. Simply, if they
were to share their proprietary trading systems with another theory
the other trader should have similar like trading results
considering they're using the same
of WRB Analysis are required to document their learning and application
of WRB Analysis via either a spreadsheet or professional
trade journal software that includes their brokerage
statements and/or backtesting results so that I can help
them improve their trading. This has been a requirement since
2005 for
fee-base clients and a requirement since
2012 for users of the WRB
Analysis free study guide.
Traders that do not document their trading, I can not provide proper support. All
fee-base clients are given a private
thread for storage of their
documentation and all free users must request a private
thread for storage of their documentation. Also, traders
that decide to post negative commentary about
TheStrategyLab, you should ask them to send to you and
send to me the verification of their documentation of
using WRB Analysis regardless if they were simulator
trading or real money trading.
(wrbtrader) is a discretionary trader that has never used
automation, coding of WRB Analysis. We do not provide any support for those
seeking to automate WRB Analysis because we are not programmers or coders. In
contrast, we provide a private section at our forum for
these programmers and coders to communicate with each other.
addition, some of these programmers or coders have posted
statistical analysis of their performance although we can
not verify the accuracy in the representation of the
information to the price action concepts of WRB Analysis.
You can contact us if you want to take a closer look at an
example of one coder's performance stats and you must be a
registered member of our forum to make such a request @
on image to view trading results)
Chat Log @
if you see an idiot out there that states WRB Analysis is know its an idiot that has not used WRB Analysis or is someone
that does not understand that just because its objective and
rule base...two different traders will apply it differently.
Thus, its very common for objective rules to have a discretionary
because traders use it differently in comparison to each
other. For example, one trader uses WRB Analysis in trend
price actions while another trader prefers to use it in
range price actions. Another example, one trader use WRB
Analysis in low volatility price actions while another
trader prefers to use WRB Analysis in high volatility price
actions...two traders using the exact same trade strategy in
different market conditions in comparison to each other will
produce different trade results from in comparison to each
TheStrategyLab primary
marketing of our fee-base services are via word
of mouth (70%) and
secondary via our website & forum (15%) and the
remainder via search engine (15%). In contrasts, trolls want
you to believe we spend our time marketing our fee-base
services on Stocktwits
and Twitter.
Once again, you can easily see with your own two eyes that
the trolls are again liars.
is the main reason why we don't need to spam forums, blogs
or chat rooms with information about our fee-base
TheStrategyLab uses a very
special spamguard email listing. Simply, if you send me an
email for the first time...I will not receive that email
until you respond to a custom email that's auto sent back to
you as a reply to your initial email. If you do not reply to the auto email and its
questions that request you to confirm your identity...your
email is never sent to me by my spamguard and the email is
then automatically deleted within 72
I use this filtering out of trouble makers at my forum
registrations and you can see it at work via registering
if you're going to publicly announce that I do not respond to your're
also admitting that you decided to not respond to the spamguard auto
email requesting you to confirm your identity. Another
possibility is that your email address or IP address has
already been banned from my website and gmail address for
prior harassment of members or myself or banned for other
reasons (e.g. frequently changing your IP to conceal your identity)
to you sending an email to me.
be professional and identify yourself to my spamguard auto
email and your emails will reach me if you have not already been banned.
TheStrategyLab free chat room was created by members. In fact, when they
first created the free chat room it was called #Eminifutures
and it had no association with TheStrategyLab. It was full
of traders using indicators, spammers of websites, spammers
of blogs and lots of off topic chat. Yet, when I first
joined the chat room...I was one of the few that posted real
time trades. In fact, I was KICKED from #Eminifutures a few
times in the beginning because I refuse to answer questions
about WRB Analysis.
the moderators warmed up to me and they soon became WRB
Analysis users along with posting their own real time trades
and brokerage statements. Yet, a lot of trouble makers and
trolls were still using the chat room and causing problems
for other users while those that created the chat room had
grown it to +170 members and needed help in moderating all
the arguments in the chat room.
example, the chat room was about Emini Futures but the
trouble makers were in there talking about stocks, penny
stocks, real estate markets, bashing CNBC, politics and many
other topics that had nothing related to Emini Futures.
then offer to moderate the chat room and clean it up if I
was given complete control considering only users of WRB
Analysis were posting trades or market analysis about the
Emini Futures. My offer was accepted and I then became a
moderator with auto-scripts to help identify the trouble
makers and trolls. This is when I begin developing a negative
reputation with
some trouble makers and trolls.
(click on image to view
trading results)
Chat Log @
I change the name of the chat room from #Eminifutures to
#FuturesTrades to attract only traders of futures. Yet,
still too many arguments and still too many traders only
wanting to talk about things like penny stocks, binary
options or porn sites. I then vetted out the trouble makers
and trolls and the active list of members dropped from +170
to +50. Yet, still too many users that didn't participate in
posting trades or broker statements. I then added another
qualification to the vetting process...members must post DOKs
to show they understood WRB Analysis and later I added a few
more requirements to get the chat room down to about +10
active members. The free chat room is now called
##TheStrategyLab and easily manage. We occasionally do screen
sharing for
marketing purposes but it's unannounced when we do such
because we hate users that try to use the chat room as a
signal call live trading room.
I use different brokers for
different reasons because I'm a strong believer in not putting all my money in one basket
just in case something happens one day to the one basket. In
addition, I use three different data vendors and I use three
computers. Thus, its always good to have a backup plan. I
use this same philosophy in my personal life...always have a
backup plan.
is a good thing. Yet, if you're really interested...I have
two futures brokers (one in North America and one in Europe)
for my day trades although the Europe broker is inactive and
primarily for swing trading when I'm visiting family in
Europe and I have one forex broker for my long term trades.
I trade from an at home
office but I will soon return back to a lease office space
trading environment with other traders because I'm not
really the lone wolf type of trader that prefers to be at
home to trade while I do understand that trading from home
does have some advantages. Simply, I perform better in an
office environment with other traders in the same
TheStrategyLab clearly states
what trading instruments are applicable for our trade
methodology @
can easily determine the merits of WRB Analysis on their
own via the free resources such as the WRB Analysis free
study guide that
anyone can download (without registration) @
Its very simple. You
need to compare your trading results before learning WRB Analysis versus
your trading results after learning WRB Analysis and its
recommended you do such via a simulator. If the results
show improved trading results for WRB don't
need to be a rocket scientist to determine what you should
do next. Most users have notified us in their own review that WRB Analysis has improved
their trading while some users say they did not see any
improvement in their trading. Their reviews (testimonials and accolades) @
TheStrategyLab post
performance summaries, broker PnL statements and market
context summaries in its performance
record for anyone
to review @
contrast, the real-time trades and real-time WRB Analysis
are posted in the free chat room called ##TheStrategyLab
that includes every
winning and losing trade...all archived in the chat logs for
anyone to review
(TheStrategyLab does not
hide its losing trades)
contrast, I do not post full broker statements,
transaction IDs nor do I share that information with anyone
due to security reasons and tax reasons (I've gone through a
nasty tax audit...never again). Further, my real-time
trades, real-time WRB Analysis and broker PnL statements
will not determine if WRB Analysis is suitable for you and
its not an indication if you will succeed. In contrast, the
only way you can determine the merits (suitability) of WRB
Analysis for yourself is via your use of the WRB
Analysis free study guide
as explained above along with you asking for help if you do
not understand a price action concept in the free study
on image to view trading results)
Chat Log @
no longer shares its computer screens and other broker info
in real-time with any trader due to security reasons and
reasons due to these trolls. I stopped sharing in the broker
profit/loss statements an image of my charts, image of the
audit trail from first to last trade, screen sharing...
stopped doing such prior
to 2010 after a few hack attempts and sharing of the info
they saw on my screens with others without my permission. There's just
too many trolls or jealous traders out there trying to cause
problems. They usually show their hand when they use the
free chat room and then stay silent (no trades, no broker
statements, no WRB Analysis, no questions in their private
thread about their own trading, no use of a professional
trade journal software)...finally with them
saying they don't understand my trades when they shouldn't
even be monitoring you trades or broker profit/loss
There's a forum message post
version of TheStrategyLab Reviews webpage with a different
twist about these trolls that I call the Rebuttal
We have never guaranteed
success mainly due to the fact we can not control how the trader decides to
use WRB Analysis. In addition, we do not know if the trader
has the proper trading environment at home nor do we know
their psychological stability while they're trading. Also,
we openly admit some users of WRB Analysis will not succeed while many will succeed
and be consistently profitable although they are using WRB
Analysis differently.
Summary...I make a good living as a trader
and I do not make a living as a website owner although I
could do such very easily via a mentorship (coaching)
program if/when such occurs. In addition, any lies,
misinformation by trolls can not sabotage my good standing with
forum owners because I already have established a good
relationship with them and the trolls comments have no
impact on my trading results. More importantly, this webpage
gets +500 unique viewers per month...the word is traveling fast about
these trolls. Yet, the trolls did get me to update some
outdated information at my website.
example, I didn't have the "risk warning" statement in my performance record
that contains my broker PnL statements that today's trading
performance is not
an indication of your trading performance if you decide to
use WRB Analysis. That statement is now included in my
performance record as of August 1st 2016 and has been
included in my frequently asked questions webpage, risk
warning webpage (link now posted sitemap and other areas of
the website) and in the new version of the WRB Analysis free study
guide. All of which is now very visible at the website
whereas in the past they were only posted in the
only thing that impacts my trading is the markets, personal
issues involving my family or myself (e.g. a broken wrist
and hospitalization from a serious illness). Simply, I can
afford to ignore trolls or tell them to go fuck off because
trading for a living provides the ultimate fuck you
money. There's nothing they can say to impact my trading but
I will expose them as I've done here in
thestrategylab-reviews webpage. Therefore, if you're someone
that wants to post false information about me or about my're wasting your time trying to bully or
intimidate me with your negative commentary that's false
except for the fact I do not allow anyone access to my trading
accounts beyond my broker PnL statements.
addition, if you have a history of being a fraud, history of
using my website via multiple aliases or multiple different
IP addresses, history of trying to impersonate clients for
the purpose of trying to gain access to education content
you did not
pay for, history of trying to impersonate clients for the
purpose of posting negative commentary about TheStrategyLab,
history of harassing users of my website anywhere online,
history of trying to start crap with me at other forums, pretending to have a sincere interest in WRB
Analysis, history of refusing to do your own due diligence
via using the WRB Analysis free study guide, history of
refusing to review clients real-time trades and broker
going to see right through your bullshit and you will be
denied access to any service at TheStrategyLab without warning. Thus, do not waste your time asking for access
to my trading accounts because nothing will convince you but be aware
that I will ban you if you violate my terms
of use policy. - Review of
Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis
or wide range bar analysis)
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Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est. (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)