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 Post subject: June 23rd Tuesday 2009
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:40 pm 
Trader / Forum Admin

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:02 am
Posts: 3326
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Note: The chat log below represents the free chat room called #FuturesTrades . Also, any trader can use the chat room to post their trades regardless if they use indicators or price action only trading (no indicators). Simply, we do not know what trading methods are being used by some members even though TheStrategyLab.com fee-base resources are price action only trading (no indicators).

Our primary job in the free chat room is to moderate the room (keep the peace) when members using different trading methods are giving their market analysis while posting trades. In addition, our presence in the chat room is to ensure it's a spam free chat room. More information about #FuturesTrades @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/FuturesTradesChatRoom.htm

In contrast, our fee-base clients are discussing market analysis or trade signals via concepts from our strategies in the private chat rooms called #VolatilityTradingTSL or #SwingTradingTSL.


Session Start: Tue Jun 23 09:09:23 2009
Session Ident: #futurestrades
[09:09] * Now talking in #futurestrades
[09:09] <@X> [NihabaAshi] Announcement: The new trade posting script v3.7 (replaces v3.6) is posted at your forum in the "Announcements" thread.
[09:14] <@NihabaAshi> Good morning all
[09:29] <Nesi> good morning al
[09:29] <+Nesi> all
[09:29] <drt> gm everyone
[09:30] <jigglyhippo> gm all
[09:39] <silo> i'm waiting for housing data to come out. most likely a positive number i'm guessing
[09:39] <@NihabaAshi> looks like the market is waiting for the 10am est "Existing Home Sales Report".
[09:39] <+silo> but in the meantime, just let the market pullback a little
[09:39] <@NihabaAshi> Me too :)
[09:39] <+silo> nasdaq dropping though :)
[09:39] <+silo> lol
[09:56] <codehead> short 2c ES 893.50 <paper>
[09:57] <+codehead> stop 894.75
[09:58] <+codehead> lower stop to 894.50
[09:58] <+codehead> exit half +.75 <paper>
[09:58] <+codehead> lower stop 894.25
[10:00] <+codehead> lower stop 892. <paper>
[10:00] <+silo> how's home data?
[10:00] <+codehead> stopped +1.50 remainder <paper>
[10:00] <@NihabaAshi> Shorts ES @ 891.25 -> medium size
[10:00] <@NihabaAshi> 4 only
[10:03] <@NihabaAshi> Covered all ES Short @ 890.75 --> + 0.5
[10:05] <Nesi> test
[10:07] <+Nesi> am i here?
[10:09] <+Nesi> hello
[10:09] <+jigglyhippo> yup
[10:09] <+jigglyhippo> youre here
[10:10] <@NihabaAshi> Shorts ES @ 891.00 -> medium size
[10:10] <@NihabaAshi> 4 only
[10:11] <@NihabaAshi> intuition in reaction to an earlier missed trade signal
[10:11] <+Nesi> Shorts ES @ 890.00 «« simulator »»
[10:11] <+Nesi> 2c
[10:12] <+Nesi> Covered all ES Short @ 889.00 --> + 1 «« simulator »»
[10:14] <@X> #FuturesTrades Info -> Members use this room to document (trade journal) their trades and thoughts from one trade to the next trade. 2009 chat logs stored @ viewforum.php?f=20 and chat logs prior to 2009 are stored @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ArchivedPastTrades.htm. Also, do not mimic (shadow) trades of others without their permission.
[10:17] <+codehead> long 1c ES 888.00 <paper> stop 885.0, target 890.0 35 min time limit
[10:22] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[10:22] <+Nesi> vn
[10:25] <+codehead> thanks, playing with a tick-fade strategy
[10:30] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 887.25 «« simulator »»
[10:30] <@NihabaAshi> Covered 1/2 ES Short @ 887.75 --> + 3.25
[10:31] <+jigglyhippo> nice wrbtrader
[10:31] <@NihabaAshi> dump 1/2 only because I'm a little lost in the price action around the 887.50 level
[10:32] <@NihabaAshi> just can't figure out what the heck the price is trying to do.
[10:32] <@NihabaAshi> I see a little support but it's not being supported by other key markets
[10:33] <@NihabaAshi> Simply, if Oil and Gold starts showing signs of support...I'll dump my remainders
[10:34] <+jigglyhippo> ahh okay
[10:35] <JimL> wrbtrader, so if oil & gold continue dwn you would hold?
[10:35] <@NihabaAshi> Yes but only when Oil or Gold are being hyped in the market.
[10:36] <@NihabaAshi> Only saw one network today talking about Oil and that was CNBC
[10:36] <@NihabaAshi> Not a lot of hyping going on today so far even though tomorrow is the 1030am est EIA Petroleum status report.
[10:36] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 887.75 --> + 0.5 «« simulator »»
[10:36] <+silo> asian market went down 2.7-3.4% lst night
[10:37] <+silo> depending on which one you look at
[10:39] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 888.25 «« simulator »»
[10:39] <+Nesi> 2c
[10:40] <@NihabaAshi> market getting a little lost in the forrest right now...me too :)
[10:40] <rickf> gm all
[10:41] <@NihabaAshi> we're stuck around this 887 - 888 price level but it's not a key support area on my charts
[10:42] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 886.25 --> - 2 «« simulator »»
[10:43] <+codehead> long 1c ES 886.00 <paper> 883.00 stop, 888.00 target, 35 min limit
[10:44] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 886.50 «« simulator »»
[10:44] <+Nesi> 2c
[10:44] <+codehead> if we lose 885 area tho, 775 in the works
[10:47] <+Nesi> exit stop set ES @ 885.25 «« simulator »»
[10:50] <+jigglyhippo> Long ES @ 886.50
[10:50] <+jigglyhippo> stop 884
[10:50] <@NihabaAshi> Covered ES Short @ 885.75 --> + 5.25
[10:50] <@NihabaAshi> Holding 1 contract remainder
[10:51] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 887.00 -> Add «« simulator »»
[10:53] <TraderG> greetimgs from afar
[10:56] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 885.25 --> - 3 «« simulator »»
[10:57] <@NihabaAshi> FYI - My online journal is @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum ... f=62&t=227
[10:57] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 887.00 «« simulator »»
[10:57] <+Nesi> 2c
[10:58] <@NihabaAshi> That was yesterday's price action and I use it to store "market summaries" from bloomberg video, cnnmoney.com and Yahoo! Finance
[10:59] <+jigglyhippo> Exit all ES Long @ 888 --> + 1.50
[10:59] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[10:59] <@NihabaAshi> That way in the future when I want to look at a particular trading day in the past...I get a quick summary of the trading day to understand what happen which is something I can't get from just a broker statement all by itself.
[11:00] <+rickf> price check on the ES pls?
[11:00] <+jigglyhippo> 887.5
[11:00] <@NihabaAshi> I highly recommend you guys do the same...have an online journal where you store info about the trading day besides just your trade results.
[11:00] <+codehead> 887.5x887.75
[11:00] <+rickf> hrmmm data locked here :(
[11:00] <+codehead> :-P
[11:00] <+rickf> wow - EVERYTHING @ ToS I think
[11:01] <@NihabaAshi> rickf...you using tradestation ?
[11:01] <+rickf> thinkorswim
[11:01] <@NihabaAshi> They usually don't go down.
[11:01] <+rickf> this is the FIRST trouble i've had with them in 9 months
[11:02] <+rickf> i almost went short at 887 ... good thing i didn't
[11:03] <+jigglyhippo> 886
[11:04] <+rickf> hrmm 'comstock having an issue'
[11:05] <+rickf> data back but going to wait for a while to be sure
[11:06] <+rickf> owell would have been a nice short :(
[11:07] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 885.00 --> - 2 «« simulator »»
[11:08] <+codehead> long 1c ES 885.25 <paper> stop 882.25, target 887.25, 35 min time limit
[11:08] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 885.50 «« simulator »»
[11:09] <@NihabaAshi> Today's price action showed some signs that the Longs were'nt going to say "uncle" so easy like they did yesterday in comparison in the first hour of trading.
[11:10] <@NihabaAshi> Another 2 points lower and we should see bigger volatility show up
[11:13] <+jigglyhippo> Long ES @ 85
[11:13] <+jigglyhippo> sorry
[11:13] <+jigglyhippo> Long ES @ 885
[11:13] <@NihabaAshi> FYI - The FTCHAT support forum for #FuturesTrades has a "Trade Journal" section that's unused. You can post your trade journal there about any trading instrument you want...keep your journal private or public...invitation only or password protected @ viewforum.php?f=21
[11:13] <+jigglyhippo> Long ES @ 885.50
[11:15] <@NihabaAshi> Oil and Gold now trying to put in higher lows
[11:15] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 886.00 -> Add «« simulator »»
[11:16] <@NihabaAshi> Covered Remainder ES Short @ 885.75 --> + 5.25
[11:17] <+jigglyhippo> Exited all ES Long @ 886.50 --> + 1
[11:19] <+jigglyhippo> spx seems kinda easy to short
[11:19] <+jigglyhippo> but is it a bear trap
[11:19] <+jigglyhippo> haha
[11:20] <+rickf> short es 887 paper
[11:21] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[11:21] <+jigglyhippo> nice codehead
[11:22] <+codehead> thx, simple strategy, but 3 for 3 today
[11:34] <+Nesi> we are at open price, fwiw
[11:36] <+rickf> short es 889 paper (add)
[11:36] <@NihabaAshi> volatility dropping off after the bounce off the lows
[11:37] <+jigglyhippo> wish i held my long, nice trade nesi
[11:38] <+Nesi> after 4 or 5 mistakes...jigg :/
[11:39] <+jigglyhippo> hopefully this trade compenstates for some of those mistakes
[11:39] <+Nesi> right now...even
[11:40] <+jigglyhippo> nice
[11:40] <+jigglyhippo> 1 trade made up for 4/5 mistakes
[11:43] <+rickf> exit es 888 b/e
[11:43] <+rickf> paper
[12:03] <+rickf> this is the kind of tape you expect pre-fed announcement, not the day before
[12:05] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 889.00 --> + 6.5 «« simulator »»
[12:12] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 889.25
[12:12] <+Nesi> 2c
[12:19] <+rickf> obama on at 1230
[12:20] <@X> #FuturesTrades Info -> Members use this room to document (trade journal) their trades and thoughts from one trade to the next trade. 2009 chat logs stored @ viewforum.php?f=20 and chat logs prior to 2009 are stored @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ArchivedPastTrades.htm. Also, do not mimic (shadow) trades of others without their permission.
[12:22] <+Nesi> dollar may go under 80.00
[12:22] <+Nesi> oil getting some mojo
[12:30] <+Nesi> waiting for Obama
[12:34] <ItalianSharp> anyone using TS in here?
[12:35] <+ItalianSharp> i need one TS user to step up....please
[12:35] <+jigglyhippo> jb uses TS but isnt here, sorry
[12:41] <+silo> what's up
[12:43] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 889.50 --> + 0.25
[12:45] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 891.25
[12:45] <+codehead> 2 pt target tapped, looked like it would have filled, but leaving the trade to run
[12:53] <OICU812> hey guys, hows trading today
[12:55] <+jigglyhippo> not bad not bad, you?
[13:02] <+codehead> posted wrong room, just noticed
[13:02] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[13:03] <+codehead> it didn't trade thru the target, but has hit it 6 times for thousands of shares while showing a couple hundred shares of bid, so no doubt a cover order would have filled
[13:05] <+codehead> short 1c ES 891.75 <paper> 894.75 stop, 899.75 target, 35 min time limit
[13:05] <+codehead> someone definitely buying 889.50, so not sure about this, but want to monitor every setup like this for the day
[13:06] <+codehead> mkt definitely see some buyers
[13:07] <+jigglyhippo> codehead 899.75 is target on your short?
[13:07] <+codehead> yes
[13:07] <+codehead> hm, i think i posted the previous trade entry in wrong room too--oops
[13:08] <+codehead> was: 09:38 codehead: short 1c ES 891.50 <paper> 894.5 stop, 889.50 target, 35 min time limit
[13:08] <+codehead> posted in enthios :-P
[13:08] <+jigglyhippo> ahh that makes more sense
[13:08] <+codehead> oops yes 889.75 yes
[13:09] <+codehead> on the current one
[13:10] <+codehead> not 899.75
[13:12] <+codehead> trade triggered again 893
[13:13] <+jigglyhippo> so you would have added to your short?
[13:13] <+codehead> yes, if i want to monitor each one
[13:13] <+jigglyhippo> interesting
[13:13] <+codehead> not sure yet whether i'd stack these in real life
[13:13] <+codehead> trying to figure that out
[13:13] <+jigglyhippo> i guess only time will tell right
[13:14] <+codehead> would be 891 target
[13:14] <+jigglyhippo> almost there
[13:16] <+jigglyhippo> touched it, not sure if it would fill it though
[13:16] <+jigglyhippo> nice
[13:17] <+codehead> it's a pretty simple tick-fade strategy from John Carter book--just trying to forward test it a bit
[13:17] <+jigglyhippo> oh cool
[13:18] <+rickf> is that the one using 89t charts?
[13:18] <+codehead> no, this is simply:
[13:18] <+rickf> oh someone i read used 89t for a tick-fade (i think) strategy
[13:18] <+codehead> when $TICK greater than 1000, short, < -1000 long
[13:18] <+rickf> too fast for me
[13:18] <+codehead> 3 pt stop, 2 pt target, 35 min time limit
[13:18] <+rickf> ahhhh gotcha - THE tick
[13:19] <+codehead> yeah, just fading extremes
[13:19] <+rickf> gotcha
[13:19] <+codehead> well, that target tapped, not sure if it would fill
[13:20] <kosmipt> Shorts ES @ 891.50 «« simulator »»
[13:20] <+codehead> in reality, i know there is buying under, so i'd probably grab profits quicker, and probably have covered the first one for a tick as well
[13:20] <+codehead> but want to see how a dumb mechanical system would do
[13:21] <+codehead> the other rule is that 2 stop-outs in a row, quit strategy for the day
[13:21] <+codehead> cuz obvious storng trending
[13:25] <+OICU812> looks like that was it for longs
[13:26] <+codehead> ok, 891 target would have filled
[13:27] <+kosmipt> looking for 888 on short
[13:28] <+OICU812> i shorted 92.5
[13:28] <+OICU812> lets see if it turns into a nice move
[13:28] <+codehead> nice
[13:30] <+OICU812> scaled here 90.5
[13:31] <+jigglyhippo> Short ES @ 890.75
[13:31] <+jigglyhippo> this might be a quick trade
[13:32] <+jigglyhippo> ahh never got filled
[13:32] <+jigglyhippo> wondering if i should keep the order in
[13:32] <+jigglyhippo> ....
[13:35] <+codehead> in?
[13:35] <+jigglyhippo> yup
[13:35] <+jigglyhippo> just filled
[13:35] <+kosmipt> ok, lets try for at least 889
[13:37] <+OICU812> ok here comes the retrace
[13:37] <+jigglyhippo> yup
[13:38] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 891.00 --> - 0.25
[13:38] <+jigglyhippo> has vol dropped off?
[13:38] <+codehead> yeah
[13:38] <+jigglyhippo> =/
[13:38] <+codehead> mkt in a coma
[13:40] <+kosmipt> still short, stop 893.50
[13:40] <+kosmipt> here we go
[13:41] <+Nesi> Shorts ES @ 890.25
[13:42] <+OICU812> here we go kosmipt
[13:43] <+OICU812> 89.5 support now but if broken we can go to 88
[13:43] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[13:43] <+kosmipt> 889 first tgt
[13:45] <+OICU812> 89.5 held
[13:45] <+OICU812> lets see if it can go thru with the retrace
[13:45] <+jigglyhippo> might bail at the support
[13:46] <+OICU812> i have some profit alredy so will leave it to BE on the rest
[13:46] <+OICU812> i think i can make it trhu with this retrace
[13:47] <+jigglyhippo> i would have done the same but 1c
[13:48] <+OICU812> thats why i like at least 2
[13:49] <+kosmipt> Covered all ES Short @ 890 --> + 1.5 «« simulator »»
[13:50] <+OICU812> good job kosmipt
[13:51] <+jigglyhippo> Covered all ES Short @ 889.75 --> + 1
[13:51] <+kosmipt> thx
[13:51] <+Nesi> Covered all ES Short @ 890.25 --> 0
[13:51] <+kosmipt> hoped for 889 at least
[13:51] <+kosmipt> just no volatility follow thru
[13:52] <+OICU812> had you seen the 89.5 supp?
[13:54] <tomosyn57> Shorts SSO @ 24.79
[13:55] <+kosmipt> yes
[13:55] <+kosmipt> still holding
[13:56] <+OICU812> here we go i think
[13:57] <+tomosyn57> exit stop set SSO @ 24.76
[13:57] <+OICU812> 888 possible now
[13:57] <+rickf> long es 889.25 paper
[13:58] <+tomosyn57> exit stop lowered SSO @ 24.74
[13:58] <+Nesi> nice read..OICU
[13:59] <+jigglyhippo> yup
[13:59] <+jigglyhippo> :)
[13:59] <+kosmipt> oh well :)
[13:59] <+OICU812> Scaled again 888.5
[13:59] <+tomosyn57> exit stop lowered SSO @ 24.72
[14:00] <+OICU812> still has some room
[14:00] <+kosmipt> nice guys, who still short
[14:00] <+OICU812> thanks Nesi
[14:00] <+tomosyn57> exit stop lowered SSO @ 24.69
[14:02] <+tomosyn57> Trailing Stop Hit SSO @ 24.69 --> + 0.1
[14:02] <+kosmipt> trying to buy 888.50 for a bounce
[14:03] <+OICU812> i have my full exit at 891.00
[14:03] <+codehead> 887.75 there is .618, found some covering there
[14:03] <+OICU812> i think we have room for one more move down
[14:03] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 889.75
[14:03] <+kosmipt> cancelling buy order
[14:05] <+kosmipt> 888 was a good target indeed
[14:05] <+OICU812> just support and resistance :)
[14:06] <+OICU812> although i exit a bit before it hits it
[14:06] <+OICU812> easier to get filled
[14:08] <+rickf> out es 890 +.75 paper
[14:10] <+rickf> comatose tape
[14:11] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 890.75 -> Add
[14:11] <+OICU812> looks like it wants to take me out
[14:13] <+OICU812> ok back to flat
[14:13] <+OICU812> was worth a try cause next stop as 885
[14:13] <+kosmipt> that buy at 888 was so obvious
[14:13] <+kosmipt> :)
[14:13] * +rickf figures again - right idea, got worried and bailed
[14:14] <+rickf> :(
[14:14] <+codehead> short ES 1c 891.50 <paper> same drill
[14:14] <+OICU812> good job kosmipt. i could not jump on that trade, was hoping that the 888 was just a retrace
[14:14] <+codehead> just tracking this one
[14:14] <+OICU812> :(
[14:14] <+OICU812> :`(
[14:14] <+codehead> looks like not time to short
[14:17] <+kosmipt> i was trying to buy 888.50 after it bounced, never got filled :(
[14:17] <+jigglyhippo> 888.5 would have been nicee
[14:17] <+OICU812> what type of orders are you putting?
[14:17] <+kosmipt> limit
[14:18] <+Nesi> Exited 1/2 ES Long @ 892.75 --> + 2
[14:18] <+kosmipt> nice Nesi
[14:18] <+jigglyhippo> nice trade
[14:18] <+codehead> vn
[14:18] <+Nesi> exit stop set ES @ 890.50
[14:19] <+Nesi> on the rest
[14:20] <+OICU812> if you want a fast fill kosmipt, try taking the bid and the ask. you sacrifice one tick for speed but its instant
[14:22] <+Nesi> you mean by taking a market order...OICU?
[14:22] <+OICU812> ok just shorted this one, 92.5
[14:22] <+OICU812> small stop
[14:22] <+kosmipt> thanks OICU, sometimes i just hate chasing
[14:22] <+kosmipt> ok
[14:22] <+jigglyhippo> whats your stop?
[14:23] <+jigglyhippo> 93.5?
[14:23] <@X> #FuturesTrades Info -> Members use this room to document (trade journal) their trades and thoughts from one trade to the next trade. 2009 chat logs stored @ viewforum.php?f=20 and chat logs prior to 2009 are stored @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ArchivedPastTrades.htm. Also, do not mimic (shadow) trades of others without their permission.
[14:23] <+OICU812> correct
[14:25] <+OICU812> Scaled 892.00 just in case im wrong cause its not moving
[14:27] <+OICU812> all out +.25 on the rest
[14:27] <+jigglyhippo> quick trade :)
[14:28] <+OICU812> yeah, not comfortable with my entry and the time it is taking
[14:28] <+jigglyhippo> i hear you
[14:28] <+OICU812> i think it might still go
[14:28] <+OICU812> but
[14:28] <+OICU812> not risking it
[14:29] <+jigglyhippo> lets see
[14:30] <+jigglyhippo> Long ES @ 891
[14:31] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 890.50 --> + 0.75
[14:33] <+OICU812> it did go :)
[14:33] <+jigglyhippo> yup nice all
[14:33] <+jigglyhippo> call
[14:33] <+jigglyhippo> dont have the best long here
[14:37] <+jigglyhippo> Exited all ES Long @ 890.25 --> - 1
[14:38] <+Nesi> Shorts ES @ 889.75
[14:38] <+Nesi> 1c
[14:38] <+OICU812> too bad i got shook out
[14:38] <+Nesi> chasing big time
[14:39] <+Nesi> if takes 88 we may get some mojo..imho
[14:39] <+codehead> exit ES +2.00 <paper>
[14:39] <+Nesi> vn
[14:39] <+jigglyhippo> nicee
[14:41] <+Nesi> 89.50 again :/
[14:44] <+Nesi> exit stop set ES @ 890.25
[14:47] <+Nesi> Covered all ES Short @ 890.25 --> - 0.5
[14:51] <+jigglyhippo> long 890?
[14:52] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 890.50
[14:52] <+Nesi> 1c
[15:01] <+rickf> last hour
[15:15] <+codehead> short 1c ES 890.50 <paper> 3 pt stop, 2 pt target, 35 min limit
[15:16] <+codehead> kinda late for this trade, but tracking them all today
[15:16] <+OICU812> what a nice range this has been
[15:17] <+jigglyhippo> Short ES @ 890.50
[15:19] <+OICU812> 890.25 short
[15:22] <+rickf> short es 890 paper
[15:23] <+OICU812> go go go
[15:24] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 889.50 --> - 1
[15:25] <+OICU812> 89.25 scale out
[15:25] <+jigglyhippo> cmon drop
[15:27] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 890.25
[15:27] <+Nesi> 2c
[15:27] <+OICU812> i guess it did not want to go this time
[15:27] <+OICU812> :)
[15:29] <+jigglyhippo> ahh dont know if i should bail
[15:29] <+Nesi> Long ES @ 891.75 -> Add
[15:29] <+Nesi> 2c
[15:29] <+jigglyhippo> wow that sucked
[15:29] <+rickf> short es 892 (add) paper
[15:30] <+Nesi> feels like a finally run to eod
[15:30] <+jigglyhippo> Covered all ES Short @ 892 --> - 1.5
[15:32] <+rickf> out 89.75
[15:32] <+rickf> +1.25 paper
[15:33] <+rickf> well that was fun ... got scared there
[15:33] <+Nesi> i am just asking for 92.50 prints ;/
[15:41] <+OICU812> hmmm think it might run to either side into the close?
[15:42] <+jigglyhippo> cant tell =.
[15:42] <+rickf> got that order placed nesi? might touch and bounce back down
[15:42] <+jigglyhippo> =/
[15:42] <+Nesi> yeah
[15:42] <+rickf> fingers crossed for ya
[15:42] <+Nesi> focusing
[15:46] <+Nesi> man geezz
[15:47] <+jigglyhippo> up up!
[15:47] <+Nesi> 91 is my average..can you imagine
[15:48] <+jigglyhippo> wow
[15:48] <+rickf> bang
[15:48] <+jigglyhippo> got it
[15:48] <+Nesi> exit stop set ES @ 890.25
[15:49] <+OICU812> here it goes runner to the long side
[15:49] <+Nesi> still can do anything
[15:49] <+OICU812> lets see if it breaks HOD
[15:49] <+Nesi> exit stop moved to breakeven ES @ 891.00
[15:49] <+Nesi> all or nothing
[15:50] <+OICU812> ok im out and done for the day
[15:50] <+OICU812> have a good evening guys
[15:50] <+OICU812> good trading
[15:50] <+rickf> cya
[15:50] <+jigglyhippo> you too
[15:50] <+jigglyhippo> later
[15:50] <+rickf> sounds like a good idea .... not trading anymore today
[15:57] <+Nesi> Exited all ES Long @ 891.00 --> 0
[15:57] <+silo> oh oh not a good happy ending for longs going towards tomorrow lol
[15:58] <+rickf> damn
[15:58] <+rickf> that drop came outta nowhere just as fast as the move up
[15:58] <+rickf> any bets we close flat today? (flat = +/- 2 ES points)
[15:59] <+rickf> i mean we've gone NOWHERE today
[15:59] <+Nesi> i ended up .25 green including comish
[15:59] <+Nesi> sorry..half point
[16:00] <+rickf> ding
[16:01] <+rickf> ok guys have a good evening -- see you tomorrow
[16:18] <@NihabaAshi> Take care every body and see all tomorrow.
[16:18] * NihabaAshi is now known as NihabaAshi_away
[16:29] <@X> #FuturesTrades Info -> Members use this room to document (trade journal) their trades and thoughts from one trade to the next trade. 2009 chat logs stored @ viewforum.php?f=20 and chat logs prior to 2009 are stored @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ArchivedPastTrades.htm. Also, do not mimic (shadow) trades of others without their permission.

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