[09:21:47] ##TheStrategyLab url is
http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/ Tigerman_____> Tigerman lg ES 3115 sym
09:35:38 exit all @ 3115.25 +.25 trail hit
09:39:02 lg ES 316 re-entry
09:39:07 316
09:39:21 3116 typo
09:40:25 exit all @ 3116 +0
09:40:34 volatility slow
09:47:49 lg es 3115
09:48:04 tricky here slow vola tight stop
09:49:06 exit 2/3 @ 3116 +1 p
09:50:03 exit all rem @ 3115.50 +0.5p
09:50:34 it needs break strong above 216 to continue up-trend
10:37:39 lg ES 3117.25
10:40:35 exit all @ 16.75 -.5
10:41:01 slow vola ..simply i was away before miss a better move
10:41:14 overall low vola because the news at 2pm
10:48:20 lg ES 3116
10:48:27 try a better entry here
10:54:51 exit all @ 3118.25 +2.25
[11:16:54] * Now talking in ##TheStrategyLab
[11:16:54] ##TheStrategyLab url is
http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/[11:17:43] * Now talking in ##TheStrategyLab
[11:17:49] <Tigerman_____> ok finish here this session
[11:17:58] <wrbtrader> Take care
[11:18:26] <wrbtrader> I just got home after a long morning at the hospital

[11:18:37] <Tigerman_____> wow Hi wrbtrader

[11:18:39] <wrbtrader> Hate those big medical appointments
[11:18:58] <Tigerman_____> just noted now you are here
[11:19:01] <wrbtrader> tigerman...what did you trade today

[11:19:24] <wrbtrader> ES, NQ or MES

[11:20:01] <Tigerman_____> ES ...just Sym as I explained early
[11:20:16] <wrbtrader> Oh...I see the trades now in to TSL storage logs before they upload this evening
[11:20:28] <Tigerman_____> simply today its first time after a long break from markets
[11:20:56] <wrbtrader> How did it feel mentally to be back at trading

[11:21:11] <Tigerman_____> I ll do Only sym for a while ...doing lot of stats
[11:21:29] <Tigerman_____> ah great question
[11:21:55] <Tigerman_____> first I rfuse doing it
[11:22:00] <Tigerman_____> refuse
[11:22:26] <Tigerman_____> I mean my mind not want it and prevent trading to avoid the stress and pressure
[11:22:59] <wrbtrader> For me...after a vacation...not a problem to return to trading. In contrast, if I've been away from trading due to medical / health reasons...a lot more difficult to get the mental game going again (more fear)
[11:23:20] <Tigerman_____> yeah same me
[11:23:32] <Tigerman_____> it is human behaviour
[11:23:50] <wrbtrader> Yes, exactly
[11:24:55] <Tigerman_____> worst fear is think and scared about Not able to trade again...or not got any profit again
[11:28:05] <Tigerman_____> wrbtrader... do you

now at home..I mean no need back hospital longer unless some check appointment?
[11:29:04] <Tigerman_____> btw wrbtrader while we was off market they did all time records

[11:33:14] <wrbtrader> Yeah...I heard about the new record highs
[11:33:34] <wrbtrader> It did it on low volatility too...weird
[11:34:58] <wrbtrader> If volatility is low when I return back to trading...I'll take additional time off from trading.
[11:35:21] <wrbtrader> Last thing I want to do is return back to trading in a low volatility trading environment
[11:35:57] <Tigerman_____> yeah maybe it can push higher to permit bonus x edge fund manager
[11:39:55] <Tigerman_____> yeah agree low vola its very tought and dangerous not the best scenario
[11:40:15] <Tigerman_____> ok I go now ...happy to talk with you wrbtrader
[11:40:24] <Tigerman_____> see you next time wrbtrader
[11:40:31] <Tigerman_____> take care all see next time
Session Close