and you as active traders
must have the education
to become consistent profitable traders in a market that
changes every year.
we posted below what day traders, position traders and
swing traders have recommended to us as books, videos and other education tools
that have either helped
improve their profit levels and/or minimized their losses as they applied
their strategies to different markets.
educational materials will
take months or years off your trial-n-error trading mistakes.
Further, these educational materials are at the best
prices you'll find being sold on the internet and they are in two
categories below called Books, Videos (DVD, VHS and PAL format) and Audio.
there's a
Miscellaneous Items category for non-trading related shopping if you want to
buy your items from our affiliate stores in either North America, United
Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France or China.
Books: These are up to date info on recommended
futures trading books et cetera from traders trading
in today's markets and to see other market books or to do a search...click
Videos or Audio: The videos below are available in either DVD,
VHS (North American format) or PAL (European format) and to see other videos
or to do a search...click
Miscellaneous Items: This
is for those traders that are shopping for non-trading related products
looking for discounts along with free shipping.

all the above futures trading books and other traders educational material are owned and recommended by
traders applying their strategies in trading Index
Emini Futures, EuroFX Futures, Eurex Derivatives,
Euronext Futures, Treasury Futures, NYMEX Futures, Forex Currencies,
Exchange Traded Funds and Asia Futures:
CME Emini Futures
EMD, ES and NQ
ICE Emini TF
(formerly CME ER2)
CBOT mini-sized Dow
Futures YM
Eurex Index Derivatives
(futures) DAX and DJ Euro Stoxx50
Eurex Fixed Income Derivatives BUND,
BOBL and Schatz
Euronext Futures
FTSE-100 and CAC-40
CME Futures EuroFX EC
Treasury Futures T-Notes
ZT, ZN, ZF and T-Bonds ZB
Forex Currencies
EurUsd, EurYen and UsdCdn
Exchange Traded Funds
NYMEX Energies Light Crude Oil CL,
e-miNY QM and Natural Gas NG
COMEX Metals Gold
GC, mini-Gold YG and Silver SI
Hang Seng Index Futures
HSI and mini-Hang Seng MHI
Further, don't make the critical mistake (most beginning traders do) of
thinking that the only type of futures trading books that you need are the
ones about strategies (pattern signals) because there are other key areas of
trading that has an enormous impact on if your profitable or not
profitable...money management, discipline, business aspect of trading et
of all, if you for any reason you are not fully satisfied with
any of the above traders education material, you may return them within the first
30-days for a 100% refund on books, 50% refund on VHS or
PAL. Also, DVD, CD and audio education material
that have not been opened and still within their original packaging will receive a
100% refund if returned.
DVD, CD and audio that are open or not in their original packaging are
non-refundable...to ensure the guaranteed return policy on this webpage is
accurate and updated...click
Perry and Associates
reading all the famous trading books, after applying all the
best strategies...I realized one thing after consistent
profits...I know too much and should market it" --Anonymous