(click on image to
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we do not have a mentorship (coaching) program, TheStrategyLab has
never mentored any trader
and TheStrategyLab has never stated to anyone that we had a mentor program.
Unfortunately, there are trolls
out there spreading rumors that we have a mentor (coaching) program to
teach how to trade via posting negative comments about a mentoring
service that does
not exist
here @ TheStrategyLab along with comparing TheStrategyLab to other vendors
that have a mentor program that the trolls are recommending or in
partnership. In fact, one particular troll decided to telephone call
TheStrategyLab for a review. During the conversation, I informed him that
TheStrategyLab was offered
by one trader that solicited (he contacted
me) TheStrategyLab to mentor him.
I replied back to the troll with the
following info:
mentoring (coaching) program to teach anyone how to trade
and one has never existed. Yet, I do keep a database of those that
have contacted TheStrategyLab to find out if we will one day offer a
mentoring (coaching) program that will only be
in person. The database
consists only of those traders that have verified they understand
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, understanding Fading Volatility
Breakout (FVB) free trade signal strategy and has verified their
trade performance.
In fact, one trader solicited us with a
12k offer
to be mentored. I told the trader the qualifications to be put in our
database (waiting list) with no guarantee that
we'll start a mentoring (coaching) program and you'll never be
spammed with any of our other fee-base services.
Also, if you master these two free education resources with
verification of trade performance...we'll hire you as a mentor to
mentor students in the future if
you speak the student's language because many on the waiting list do
speak well the languages that I speak.
shown in the image to the left, the problematic troll then decides to spread rumors
/ fake news / false narratives at his review blog that we charge 12k to mentor
traders...most likely due to the fact that we would threaten his
partnership with those charging thousands of dollars for online
mentoring / weekend seminars / webinars and podcasts.
What happen to the trader that solicited us with the 12k offer ?
heard back from him again either because he's
able to verify his trading via WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
he solicited us because he's secretly affiliated with the troll named
Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools in the above image that prefers to
spread rumors / fake news / false narratives that we have a mentoring (coaching) program,
charging traders 12k a piece after the trader purchase the trading
There was
conversations with Emmett Moore Jr. about a trading manual
any conversation with him that the trader needed to purchase anything.
Regardless, think about that very carefully. Why would you pay someone
thousands of dollars when you can use that money to pay for your
transportation to go watch the mentor or vice versa to trade
in person
from his/her trading account in front of your two eyes ? The few that do mentor
in person...they're
not mentoring from a real money trading account and most of it is via
hindsight chart analysis.
Once again,
TheStrategyLab currently does not
have a mentor (coaching) program, one has never
TheStrategyLab and TheStrategyLab has never stated to anyone that we have a
mentor (coaching) program. Yet, we do have a waiting list of traders that do
want to be mentored...waiting for us to start a mentoring (coaching)
With that said, every month, we are constantly asked by traders from all over the
world to start an in person
mentor / student program. Therefore, we have started keeping track of
these requests by traders
that want to be mentored and maintaining a waiting
list with no guarantee that such a
service will be started. Yet, its highly recommend you read the below
student qualification requirements prior
to contacting us to request having your name an email address added to the
waiting list for being mentored. Until then, if/when a student/mentor
program becomes available, we'll contact you via email or
social media if you're a member of our social media network and you're a
verified user of WRB Analysis.
addition, you can use this webpage as your
official source of the
mentoring (coaching) program that's currently none existent instead of
reading misinformation / false narratives that's intentionally posted by trolls. In fact, we
welcome any suggestions by you about what you're looking for in a mentor
that we have not already suggested below in the qualification sections.
Please send your suggestions to the above social media network via private
message or join
our free forum and post your suggestions @
Definition of In Person Mentoring:
Student travels to the mentor's office or mentor travels to the
student's at home office for mentoring or mentoring is agreed upon
in a co-working location space...co-working location or rented
conference room is the only preferred option for group mentoring of
2 - 5 traders.
All mentoring is via real money trading via the
mentor's trading account in front of the student until the mentor
has ensured the student is ready to complete the mentoring via
his/her own trading account with the mentor sitting side by side
with the student. In person mentoring will be for one month and then
online mentoring is only used as follow-up to the in person
I'm going to tell you something that vendors don't say and that trolls of
TheStrategyLab will not say because they are vendors in disguise or partner
(promoting) a vendor in the mentoring business. Having a mentor will
not guarantee you will
become a successful trader because markets are always changing and you're
always changing (personally, socially and financially)...these changes will
impact your trading results. Simply, as soon as the mentoring is complete,
your trading will change in comparison to the way you were instructed to
trade during the mentoring due the markets and you...therein lies the rub.
There's no holy grail, no magical wands, no secret recipes and no guarantees
for successful trading. You
are the key to
your trading failures and successes. Thus, if you're not willing to study
hard...why bother trading unless its a hobby to you ?

Foundation of WRB Analysis @
WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide (word .doc & .PDF file)
Therefore, you must download, learn and apply the
WRB Analysis free study guide as instructed. We do provide
free support but only if
you discuss your trading problems. Just as importantly, the free study guide
is there for your due diligence
and it will verify if WRB Analysis is helpful to your trading. In fact, if I
start a mentor (coaching) program, I will not
be able to mentor any trader that's not able to understand the WRB Analysis
free study guide or not able to verify they understand the WRB Analysis free
study guide via the
student qualification requirements
listed below.
Most mentors
today will charge you thousands of dollars. Thus, we believe they
can easily afford to purchase a plane ticket or drive to your home
office to mentor you in person...from their own trading account and
in front of your own two eyes.
many traders have other issues that are preventing trading success
not related to trading.
Thus, the only way to discover some of these issues that traders hide or
believe its not important...it can only be discovered via in person
in the students home trading environment and this will ensure the student
has a proper home trading environment prior
to any mentoring.
Yet, you may be
thinking...what if I have a job ?
will tell you that you should not
be trading from work. Further, we will say that you should only be trading
before/after work, trading on your off days or trading on designated
vacation days for trading. Your job must remain as your primary source of
income until you've save enough savings for a few years of income and your
profits have accumulated into a properly capitalized trading account. Just
as important, when you trade...you should be mentally focus 100% on your
trading and not
trying to trade while at work...this is an example of one of those personal
issues that traders do not mention to many that's in the mentoring business.
To get on our student/mentor waiting list, you must do the following:
Join the free TSL Support Forum @
Download and learn/apply the WRB Analysis free study guide
Post questions with charts and post
DOKs about WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
Post your "trader profile" @
Post screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or
real money) in your broker trade execution platform
Start documenting your
learning and application of WRB Analysis via keeping a journal
(digital instead of on paper). We will request you to upload this
digital journal (word processor or spreadsheet) to a private thread
for us to review.
Show a sincere interest in learning
WRB Analysis via posting your questions at the forum about WRB
Analysis involving any trade signal strategy you're using even if
its not profitable, keeping us up to date about your learning of WRB
Analysis, notifying us
about any problems in understanding WRB Analysis, posting
information about your performance
at our forum or any other forum and updating us about email address
Send us a private message to our
social network (e.g. twitter, stocktwits) or an email to request to be
added to our student/mentor waiting list.
Also, do not make the mistake of confusing our
Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters and
Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies as
mentoring. Those services are
mentoring because mentoring requires
"in person" interaction
between student and mentor in the student's trading environment and/or in
the mentor's trading environment. In contrast, our trade strategies will be
used in the mentorship
program as one of the mentorship tools.
More information about our student/trader price
action trading mentor
program, please continue reading below because it discusses details
about student qualification, mentor qualification and expectations.
(click on below verification of trade performance screenshots to view
large image)
TheStrategyLab wrbtrader Price Action Trading Broker PnL
Statement |
TheStrategyLab wrbtrader Audit Trail |
TheStrategyLab wrbtrader Trade Fills Window |
TheStrategyLab wrbtrader M.A. Perry Broker Statement |
The above different
screenshots represent different ways I verify my trade
performance for just one single trading
day from my
private trade journal of hundreds of trading days. These
are examples of what TheStrategyLab expects any student or
mentor should be posting at the minimum although we tend to
show other types of
verification screenshots.
Student Qualification prior
to Mentoring
All students must show verification
that they are trading (simulator or real money) and properly capitalized to trade.
All students must post screenshots of timestamp trade
fills (simulator or real money) in your broker trade execution
All students must post DOKs to prove to us they
understand the WRB Analysis free study guide...post
your DOKs (demonstration of knowledge) for tutorial chapter 1
definitions about WRB intervals, post DOKs about WRB Hidden GAP
intervals, post DOKs about contracting volatility intervals, post
DOKs for tutorial chapter 2 swing point price action definitions and
strong continuation price action definitions, post DOKs for tutorial
chapter 3 involving whatever trade signal you're currently using
regardless if you're profitable/losing in using your trade strategy.
Traders on our student waiting list are removed from the waiting
list if they do not
actively post DOKs. We may update this requirement to include that
the student must provide proof
that they're using price action concepts from WRB Analysis. The DOKs
is critically important in the learning/application process.
All students must document their learning and
application of WRB Analysis as a
trade journal.
All students will be given a test on the WRB
Analysis free study guide that they must pass.
All students must answer an in-depth
questionnaire to ensure they are suitable for mentoring.
All students must agree to make
available to TheStrategyLab.com
or to the mentor another verifiable trading record approximately one
year after the mentoring.
All students must agree (signed a statement)
to allow video recording of the mentoring session because it will be
used at a later date as verification and reference for other traders
interested in mentoring.
All students must watch the mentor
post his/her trades in real-time for a minimum of one month
in the
chat room called
##TheStrategyLab including posting their own trades (simulator
or real-money) for a minimum of one month.
All students must communicate with the mentor
in the chat room
Skype via discussing WRB Analysis
to ensure they are
satisfied with the mentor's communication skills
whenever they have a one on one discussion about WRB Analysis.
##TheStrategyLab chat room is
not a signal
calling trading room. Its
a simple chat room for traders to use as their
trade journal of trades or thoughts while using WRB Analysis and you
can use the chat room to ask questions about real-time price action
you're watching on your monitor. There's will be no mentoring in the
chat room...all mentoring will be performed in person.
All students must use a
professional trade journal
such as tradevue, edgewonk, tradebench, tradingdiarypro or
any other professional journal software program for statistical
analysis and then make available their trade results
to mentoring so that we can analyze the results of the student's
mentoring versus the student's trading
mentoring. Also, the students trade results before/after mentoring
will be used as a marketing tool for the mentorship (coaching)
Initial group of students being mentored will
be the
free users
of WRB Analysis and mentoring will be
free. Yeah, that's
something the trolls don't want you to know. Mentoring will
initially be
free and I will do
these initial mentoring myself (wrbtrader). The purpose is for me to
learn the
do's and don'ts
about mentoring and I strongly believe it would not be fair to
charge someone a fee for such. Next, I will then freely mentor
current fee-base clients
except those that
have been banned, not active in posting DOKs/documentation of their
learning and application of WRB Analysis.
Yep, free mentoring.
The goal will be to give free mentoring to 10 free users of WRB
Analysis and 10 fee-base clients. I'm hoping this will be enough for
me to learn the do's and don'ts of mentoring along with building up
a decent student reference for marking purposes. Yet, all students
must travel at their own expense. This is the issue where I'm a
little stomped because I also need to travel to visit the student in
their home trading environment to discover any issues that's causing
the student trading problems. Thus, I'm leaning towards splitting
the mentoring into mentoring in an office in my city location and
then mentoring the student in his/her home trading office. These are
details I will need to determine prior to starting a mentor
(coaching) program.
The above are the
minimum requirements for
students and will quickly identify traders that have a sincere
interest in WRB Analysis and mentoring...weeding out the drive-by
curiosity seekers, trolls and other trouble makers with a hidden
agenda. There will be other requirements that are not disclose until
we launch a mentorship (coaching) program. As you can see already,
student/mentoring is a two way street
that will be needed for professionalism and success and this type of
mentorship program will be a threat to most online mentors and a
threat to those that promote those online mentors for a fee.
Free mentoring...there must be a catch ?
We currently have a large waiting list of
students (a few hundred) offering
10k to 15k
to be mentored. After we've learned how to mentor (do's and don'ts)
via the
free mentoring
experiences...we will then charge a fee with a
guarantee refund
if the student is not able to profit in real trading
during the
mentoring session.
The trolls are
aware of the above information but they choose to continue posting
misinformation. Some even choose to
review us and
categorize us as mentors even though they there's currently no such
None of these trolls signed up on the waiting list to be mentored
and none of them have qualified to be mentored via the above listed
requirements. Simply, the above listed requirements has another
purpose...to eliminate traders that do not have a sincere interest
to learn/apply WRB Analysis and to eliminate traders looking for a
get rich or holy grail trading method. The result will also help
eliminate traders that are more likely to become trolls because I've
will have a
personal interaction
with those following the requirements listed above.
on image to review broker trade execution platform with trading results)
Chat Log @
By the way, you can identify these trolls and
their secret associates because they
use the word
in error in reference to the mentoring
program that has never existed, WRB Analysis free study guide or the fee-base resources. Its a word that was initially used by someone that does
not understand
WRB Analysis free study guide but wanted to be mentored.
Also, he believed in error that mentors will be
selling when such is not true because the selling is solely the
responsibility of TheStrategyLab website and that's via the
waiting list he
already have. Something else important, students of WRB
Analysis that have been
mentored...they have the opportunity to become hired mentors if they
qualify via the information below.
Mentoring Qualification
prior to Mentoring
You do
not need to purchase my fee-base strategies for the
referral program nor to become a mentor of WRB Analysis.
You can use your personal trade signal strategies merged with the
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to fulfill one of the requirements to
refer or teach WRB Analysis to another trader
after you've verified the trade performance of your
trade signal strategies merged with WRB Analysis.
All mentors must post screenshots of timestamp trade
fills (simulator or real money) in your broker trade execution
All mentors will ensure students are
qualified via the above requirements
to any payment for mentoring.
All mentors must show verifiable brokerage
statements that's signed.
All mentors must use a
professional trade journal
such as tradevue, edgewonk, tradebench, tradingdiarypro or
any other professional journal software program for statistical
analysis and then make available their trade results
to mentoring to verify it correlates with the signed brokerage
statements so that students can analyze the results of the mentor's
mentoring versus the mentor's trading
mentoring. The mentor's trading results during in person mentoring
will be verified and signed by the student because it will be used as a marketing tool for the mentorship (coaching)
TheStrategyLab via wrbtrader will
perform the initial mentoring
(free mentoring)
of students and then a select few of those traders to become mentors
that will then become partners with TheStrategyLab. Simply, we will be hiring
students that we've freely mentored to become mentors for
All students that qualifies to become mentors
will be paid 75% to 80% of the fees that a student pays to
TheStrategyLab. Thus, TheStrategyLab only receives 20% to 25%.
Currently, there are trolls posting misinformation about this
specific detail via stating its part of a referral program. It is
part of a referral program and TheStrategyLab will use its own
waiting list and then give the mentors the contact information of
specific traders on the waiting list that want to be mentored.
All mentors will only mentor traders in their
countries. This is the sole reason why TheStrategyLab will be hiring
mentors because we can not be in multiple different locations around
the world at the same time. For example, I do
speak German and I do not live in Germany. Yet, if a mentor speaks
German/English and lives in Germany, that mentor can mentor students
residing in Germany to reduce the cost of mentoring for the student
while I'm giving free mentoring to my fee-base clients (group
mentoring sessions).
traders believe mentoring should be done
and if you're one of those traders...join
our waiting list via contacting us. Please give your twitter/stocktwits/tradingview user
name, skype user name
or email info about you to ensure we have a way to contact you
if/when the mentorship (coaching) program becomes available. We will not
share your contact information with anyone nor will any other trader
on the waiting list will know that you're on the waiting list too
because we're a strong believer in security and privacy.